P. 17
Tuesday 23 OcTOber 2018
The Breast Cancer Awareness Month
ficient knowledge on the Joan Foundation Aruba, Mary- Joan Foundation
causes of breast cancer, Stichting BOB and Koningin Aruba, 589-9999 Facebook
therefore, early detection Wilhelmina Fonds Aruba. Mary Joan Foundation
of the disease remains the All these foundations are Aruba
cornerstone of breast can- there to give patients and Stichting BOB, 588-1212,
cer control. When breast their family support during Facebook Stichting BOB
cancer is detected early, this difficult stage of life. Aruba
and if adequate diag- These organizations have Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds
nosis and treatment are been working hard during Aruba, 582-0412, Koningin
available, there is a good the whole year by organiz- Wilhelmina Fonds Aruba
chance that breast can- ing different activities for
cer can be cured. If de- breast cancer awareness.
tected late, however, cu- Know that you are not
rative treatment is often no For more information con- alone there is always some-
longer an option. In such tact these organizations one there to help you get
cases, palliative care to at: through this tough time. q
relieve the suffering of pa-
tients and their families is
According to research,
Aruba does not differ much
from the rest of world. An-
nually there are about 65
new breast cancer cases
detected on Aruba. The
women affected are be-
ORANJESTAD — The Breast cancer is by far the most
Cancer Awareness Month, common cancer in wom- tween the ages of 45 - 75
marked in countries across en worldwide, both in the and more than 50% are
the world every October, developed and develop- between the age of 45 - 64
helps to increase attention ing countries. In low- and years. 27% of all the new
and support for the aware- middle-income countries breast cancer cases is de-
ness, early detection and the incidence has been ris- tected among women be-
treatment as well as pallia- ing steadily in the last years tween the ages of 65 - 75
tive care of the disease. due to increases in life ex-
pectancy, urbanization In Aruba there are several
There are about 1.38 mil- and the adoption of west- organizations you can re-
lion new cases and 458 ern lifestyles. cur to for whatever ques-
000 deaths from breast tions or information you
cancer each year. Breast Currently there is not suf- might need such as Mary-
Early detection is your best protection!
ORANJESTAD — Foundation its earliest stage and offer But wouldn’t it be better to
BOB (Borst Kanker Onder- help accordingly. Detect- do the test before it’s too
zoek Aruba) was founded ing this disease early will late? Doing this in time will
on October 12th 2012 with help a women to get the be less painful and a less in-
the purpose to help detect best treatment necessary. tensive treatment.
breast cancer at an early
stage. They provide free During their first call to the Foundation BOB has also a
mammograms for early women in this particular new Director to the name
breast cancer detection group back in 2016, only of Davy Aparoe who is re-
before symptoms manifest. 40% of the women reacted. placing Enrita Werleman.
Now at their 2nd call for the Foundation Bob wishes
Foundation BOB has been test they see an increase in Davy Aparoe the best of
around now for 6 years. interests of this group and luck in this new endeavor.
They have worked hard and hope to reach atleast 50%
achieved very much dur- of the total. There is still a Foundation Bob is located
ing these years. More than large number of women in at Frankrijkstraat 1, Oranjes-
24,000 women between Aruba that did not do their tad. Office hours are from
ages of 45 to 75 have been breast cancer test. Perhaps Monday to Friday from 8
called to undergo a mam- they are afraid of the x-ray AM till 4:30 PM and they
mogram. This way they can machine or they might be can be reached at 588-
detect breast cancer at afraid of a negative result. 1212.q