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2                                                                                                 AWEMainta Diasabra, 11 Februari 2017

            Prime Minister Mike Eman Shared Plans for Restoration of JFK School with the Kennedy Family

            Ta kico a pasa, cu a cambia awor di plan?

       “PRIME Minister Eman visited with the Kennedy family and  plan, cu manera e mes a splica, JFK School a ser cumpra pa AIB,
       shared with them Aruba’s plans to restore the John F. Kennedy  cu lo bay renoba esaki y lo huur’e despues cu Departamento di
       School.                                                                  Enseñanza.
       Joseph P. Kennedy II and his wife Beth were moved by the Aruba’s  Mike Eman lo no cumpli mas cu e promesa haci na famia Kennedy?
       plans to restore the JFK School to a place of prominence
       of Aruba.                                                                              Por recorda ainda con Prome Minister Mike Eman y
       Former U.S. Congressman Kennedy, the second of                                           su delegacion a bishita oficina di Congressman Joe
       Robert F. Kennedy’s eleven children, had visited                                          Kennedy III. Na tal ocasion Prome Minister Eman
       Aruba previously upon the invitation of Prime                                              a extende un invitacion na Joseph Kennedy II pa
       Minister Eman, and recounted many pleasant                                                  ta un orador invita pa un conferencia pa sostene
       memories of that visit.                                                                     partido AVP.
       They were very pleased to hear of the many
       positive developments on the Island and look                                                 Y Joseph Kennedy II a bin tambe, aceptando
       forward to returning for the inauguration of the                                             dicho invitacion. Anto pa awe, e plannan pa
       restored JFK School.                                                                         converti JFK School den un centro cultural, no
       Joe Kennedy was very impressed with Aruba’s                                                  ta sigui mas?
       urban renewal plan and the positive effects it was
       having on the Aruban economy”.                                                               E tempo cu Prome Minister Mike Eman a lansa
       Esaki ta un articulo cu Gobierno di Aruba mes                                                      su plannan, esaki no a cay den bon tera
       a laga publica, ora cu Joseph P. Kennedy y                                                              serca esnan cu ta dirigi Cas di Cultura,
       su señra Beth a haci na Aruba, dia 2 di                                                                    kendenan a laga sa cu no tin placa
       juli 2012.                                                                                                  pa drecha Cas di Cultura, pero si
                                                                                                                     pa construi un centro muli-fun-
       E tempo ey a papia di un reno-                                                                                cional di cultura pa sigui honra
       bacion di JFK School, cu lo ser                                                                                John  F. Kennedy. Awor  cu e
       reconstrui den un centro cultural,                                                                              plannan no ta sigui, lo inverti
       hibando mesun nomber.                                                                                           e suma disponibel den Cas di
       Ta kico a pasa awor, cu Prome                                                                                   Cultura, cu lo worde expandi
       Minister Mike Eman, kende ta                                                                                    te otro banda di caminda, y
       un ferviente siguidor di famia                                                                                   lo haya nomber di Centro
       Kennedy a dicidi cambia di                                                                                       Cultural John F. Kennedy?
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