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Saturday 13 april 2019
Feeling Sick during vacation?
At Your Service: Experienced Doctor &
Pharmacy under one Roof
guages: English, Dutch, German, French,
Italian, Spanish and Papiamento, mean-
ing she can attend to almost any tourist
from all over the world. “You can come
in without an appointment and we have
an emergency number that works 24/7, if
necessary I will visit the patient where he/
she is staying. We attend patients every
day!” Her philosophy is as follows: As long
as you enjoy what you are doing and like
to help people, this profession is very re-
warding.” It sounds like the perfect place
to heal.
Pharmacy & Drug Store with a Recipe for
Two quality parties that work together can
only be a good thing. After you pick up
your prescription at Dr. Beke’s practice,
you can go to the Pharmacy, right next
door. The collaboration between these
two results in a quick, efficient and qual-
PALM BEACH — Feeling sick is a miserable ity service. It’s just what you need when
thing during vacation. This is the time of the you feel the only thing you want is healing.
year you should enjoy and relax, so staying Lennert van der Poel, general manager of
in a hotel room bed with a sunstroke, skin the Pharmacy, which is part of a Group
allergy, ear infection or intestinal problems of 5 pharmacies, points out that conve-
can be a bummer. The best thing to do is nience is not their only unique asset. “We
to recover as soon as possible, and Dr. Lili carry a wide variety of medicines from the
Beke of the Aruba Walk-in Clinic, together US, but most of the medicines come from
with Palm Beach Service Pharmacy are a the EU. The prices in the EU are consider-
one-stop-shopping solution. ately lower than in the U.S.” All medicine
are European registered with the same
A Walk-In Clinic to Walk To standard as U.S. products. “The law in the
First of all she is calm, kind and understand- States allows visitors to get medicines here
ing. Personal touch is her trade mark and for the use of six months and many repeat-
with more than 35 years of experience as ed guests or time share owners do so. This
a medical doctor she knows what’s going saves them a lot of money. It is however
on. Doctor Beke is located in Palm Beach, mandatory to have a prescription from
at the door steps of the hotel area and a local doctor”, says van der Poel. Most
her clinic is appropriately named the Aru- common medicines requested by visitors
ba Walk-In Clinic. “I’d like to put myself in are antibiotic, pain killers and anti-allergy
the shoes of the visitor. Being in a strange medications.
place, sometimes far from family or even
alone and feeling sick. You can feel lost Naturally we wish you the healthiest, most
and disorientated. I can understand that wonderful vacation of your life on our
and try to give them comprehension and Happy Island. But …. In case you are in
a welcome feeling while examining them. need of a doctor and a pharmacy, just
So they leave with a smile, even if they feel turn around, walk in and feel welcome to
a bit sick.” The doctor speaks seven lan- be cured!q
Palm Beach Service Pharmacy Aruba Walk-in Clinic
T: +297 587 1717 T: +297 588 539 or +297 594 0539
Unit 8 at “The Cove”, Palm Beach Unit 9 at “The Cove”, Palm Beach