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Monday 16 SepteMber 2019
Save 20% on Jolly Pirates Sail and Snorkel Cruises:
The Jolly Pirates September Super Saver Days are here
NOORD – Jolly Pirates most to the coastline. Along with tasty BBQ, bar-
requested tour, Sail, Snor- tenders serve up smiles and
kel, Swim and Swing is of- You won’t forget the time unlimited beverages while
fered each morning and will you snorkel over the site of you relax on teak decks,
visit three swimming and the 400ft WWII Shipwreck, swing off a rope and soak
snorkeling areas. Home to Antilla. A remarkable part up the sunshine. There are
Angelfish, Parrotfish and of WWII history, the scuttled miles of breathtaking scen-
starfish galore, discover the treasure is encrusted with ery to take in and you can
underwater world so close coral and loaded with fish. join the fun from 9am –
1pm. followed by guests swing-
ing into the ocean - free-
Prefer to sleep in? Each af- style. Hold onto your swim-
ternoon there’s a three hour suits and have a ball.
option with a mix of sailing,
snorkeling, swimming, and On the Jolly Pirates new
a rope swing too. Offered website you will save 20%
daily between 2pm – 5pm. on your cruise tickets when
Both snorkeling options in- you choose a September
clude ample snorkel time Super Saver Day. Jolly Pi-
and an inflatable life vest, rates cruises will depart at
mask, snorkel and fins. the MooMba Beach area
between the Marriott Re-
When sunsets on land just sorts and the Holiday Inn.
won’t do, join a Jolly Pirates Check in at the Jolly Pirates
Sunset sail any night of the gift shop, just beside the
week with an unlimited MooMba Beach Bar and
open bar and great music. get a souvenir Tee-shirt or a
reusable cup.
Friendly deckhands turn
flips literally to keep spirits For more information look
buoyed. High flying mast- at the new website: www.
climbing and tumbles are q