Page 17 - MIN ECEM 6 APRIL 2017
P. 17
LOCAL Thursday 6 april 2017
Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino Celebrates
Earth Week with a Packed Calendar of Activities
PALM BEACH - The Hilton
Aruba Caribbean Resort
& Casino put together a
complete calendar of ac-
tivities in celebration of
Earth Week, which took
place from March 20th to
March 26th, 2017. The ac-
tivities were designed to
inform, engage and en-
tertain guests, team mem-
bers and the local Aruban
The celebrations kicked and croutons. The final dish guided by the company’s
off with an earth-themed paired organic chicken vision to fill the earth with
Manager’s Reception breast with corn fritters and the light and warmth of
Cocktail Party featuring organic roasted vegeta- hospitality, in business and
a delicious Green Aloe bles. when it comes to its most
Punch. Mira Solo bar also went precious resource, its peo-
Resort team members and dark at 8:30pm in honor of ple.
guests then teamed up Earth Hour, with tea lights Photos show some of the
with the University of Aru- and live acoustic music fun moments enjoyed by
ba for a Beach Cleanup, making for a romantic am- both resort associates and
hitting the island’s beach- biance. guests of the Hilton Aruba
es around the California One of the highlights of the Caribbean Resort & Ca-
Lighthouse to pick up trash week was a visit by mem- sino, during its annual Earth
and marine debris washed bers of Centro Man na Week celebration.q
up from the ocean. The Obra, a local charity that
group that collected the park’s rangers, the teams menu, highlighting natural works with special needs
most trash was rewarded enjoyed healthy snacks organic ingredients. For the clients. The representatives
with a fun prize. and some refreshing drinks. first course, diners enjoyed of Centro Man na Obra
Combining fun and educa- The resort’s flagship Sun- a salad of mixed lettuce, presented a workshop on
tion, guests and associates set Grille restaurant was sun dried tomato, grilled the art of candlemaking,
were also invited to par- also part of the celebra- artichoke, roasted pepper helping the Hilton team
ticipate in a hike through tion, turning off the lights at and a lime vinaigrette. The members create gorgeous
Arikok National Park. After 8:30pm to host a candlelit second course followed, candles.
hiking through the park dinner on its deck and ter- with a lime and mint cured True to its Executive State-
and learning more about race. The special dinner organic salmon, served ment, the Hilton Aruba Ca-
its flora and fauna from the featured a three-course with celery, compote, egg ribbean Resort & Casino is