Page 10 - AHATA
P. 10
Friday 13 September 2019
Opening further possibilities for
efficient transfers from Schiphol
Airport through Aeropuerto
Internacional Reina Beatrix:
Agreement reached
for acceptance of
Security level by
Aruba Civil Aviation
ORANJESTAD – The Direc- Airport, including review
torate of Civil Aviation of of staffing, training, proce-
Aruba (DCA) recently ap- dures, equipment, main-
proved a Letter of Accep- tenance, documentation
tance, for recognition of and other measures to
Amsterdam’s Schiphol Air- guarantee passenger and
port’s level of security. luggage sterility.
This recognition of equiva-
lence allows flights origi- CEO of Aruba Airport Au-
nating from Schiphol Air- thority NV (AAA), operator
port into Aeropuerto Inter- of Aeropuerto Internacio-
nacional Reina Beatrix, to nal Reina Beatrix, Mr. Joost
no longer have to duplicate Meijs, indicated that this is
security measures upon a very positive develop-
arrival in Aruba and to al- ment as States and Airports
low transiting passengers continue to seek ways to
and luggage to seamlessly better facilitate more effi-
transit at Aruba Airport onto cient travel between coun-
flights to other destinations, tries and Airports. He stated
without jeopardizing safety to look forward to achiev-
and security. ing similar types of Agree-
ments with other Airports
ICAO’s Annex 17 allows and States as well, as these
such arrangements in re- agreements ultimately
spect of certain security benefit the passengers’
controls, with support of travel experience through
the Member State and by Aruba’s Airport.
a validation process and Two Airlines are currently
continuously implementing flying directly from Schiphol
procedures with the other Airport to Aruba. KLM cur-
State to ensure that the rently operates a total of
application of security con- 7 weekly nonstop servic-
trols at the point of origin is es from Schiphol to Aru-
accompanied by subse- ba which translates to a
quent protection measures monthly average of 7,500
against unauthorized inter- passengers, of which some
ference up until the aircraft 3,100 are transit passen-
departs from the transfer gers. A significant number
point. of passengers traveling
Mr. Edwin Kelly, Director of from Schiphol are transit
DCA, indicated that part passengers, connecting to
of the process to achieve other Caribbean destina-
recognition of equivalence tions and as of September
entailed a thorough audit 11, 2019 these passengers
of the security processes will be able to transit seam-
of Amsterdam Schiphol lessly at Aruba Airport. q