Page 18 - JUS JAN 11
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AWEMainta Diaranson, 11 Januari 2017                                                                                                        11

               No tin cambio

               den e tabel di


             y Loonbelasting                                                                 AUCTION

                 pa aña 2017                                                                    ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba

       E tabel di aña 2016 ta valido pa                                           THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2017

                     aña 2017 tambe                                            On Thursday February 2, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of
                                                                               the Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be
                                                                               auctioned in public:

                                                                               1. A residential house, apartments and offices locally known as

                                                                                                PARADERA 3-A

                                                                               - a parcel of public  land, 602 m2 in size, situated at Oranjestad in Aruba,
                                                                               locally recorded as First Division Section L number 365;
                                                                               - a parcel of public land, 200 m2 in size, situated at Oranjestad in Aruba,
                                                                               Locally recorded as First Division Section L  number 2450.
                                                                               The lease rights expire on August 5, 2023.

                                                                               Starting price:  Afl. 787.000,--

                                                                               2. A commercial building with office spaces locally known as

                                                                                                 CUMANA 20

       DEPARTAMENTO di Impuesto ta participa cu                                standing on:
       no tin cambio den e tabel di Inkomstenbelasting                         - a parcel of lease land, 2.060 m2 in size, locally recorded as First
       y Loonbelasting pa aña 2017. E tabel di aña 2016 ta                     Division Section P number 1951;
       valido pa aña 2017 tambe.                                               - a parcel of lease land, 3.970 m2 in size, locally recorded as First
                                                                               Division Section P number 3128;
                                                                               - a parcel of lease land, 204 m2 in size, locally recorded as First
       Di acuerdo cu ley, na comienso di aña Minister di                       Division Section P number 3127.
       Finansa por reemplasa e sumanan di entrada cu ta
       menciona den e tabel. E adaptacion aki ta sosode a                      Starting price: to be announced
       base di e averahe di e indice di prijs pa loke ta trata                 Ex articles 514 RV ev Code of Civil Procedure
       consumo  di famia manera stipula dor di Oficina
       Central di Estadistica (CBS).                                           3.  A residential house locally known as
       Sinembargo, e periodo riba locual e averahe indice di
       prijs a wordo calcula, ta indica un deflacion. P’esey                                 WESTSTRAAT 49
       a dicidi pa no haci cambio na e tabel di aña 2017
       y pa mantene e sumannan menciona den e tabel di                         standing on a parcel of full property land, 362 m2 in size, situated at
       aña 2016.                                                               Weststraat in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section
                                                                               F number 304.

       Pa loke ta trata e suma liber di impuesto (“belast-                     Starting bid: to be announced
       ingvrije som”) por menciona tambe cu esaki a keda
       mescos, esta Afl. 20.455 pa aña 2017. Esaki kier-                       AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. Johnson, LL.M.
       men cu un cliente cu ricibi un entrada anual di Afl.
       20.455,- of menos no ta paga Inkomstenbelasting y/                        The auction  is subject  to  the  general conditions for foreclosure
                                                                               auctions and special auction conditions which will be determined by
       of Loonbelasting.                                                       civil law notary T.R. Johnson.
       Si e entrada fiscal ta mas cu e suma liber di impuesto,                   Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a
       anto e ora ta cuminsa paga Inkomstenbelasting of                        reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased
                                                                               with an amount equal to the auction costs.
       Loonbelasting.                                                            A private written bid on the aforementioned properties numbers 1
                                                                               and 2. can be submitted until January 18, 2017.

                                                                                                                 For more information:

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