P. 15
LOCAL Tuesday 4 June 2019
The Bay at Sabaneta
Episodio XXI
Continued from Page 14 workings (mines), and
Wouter Droncker and
“Formerly the commander Isaac van den Woestijne,
and his household used to master and boatswain of
live on Commanders’ Bay, the schooner Elizabeth &
which still bear his title. It is Martha, in which they de-
situated a few miles mere pose that their ship was
eastward. They only mark seized in Aruba roads by
of there having been once two Spanish vessels, The
on its shore the principal Young Balthasar and the
residence of the island I Colebra. From this docu-
found to be some graves, ment of 1727, which will
masoned round an lying later be of importance in
close together, which, ac- another connection, we
cording to the names and quote the following par-
dates inscribed, appeared ticulars: The last two wit-
to be a centuries old.” nesses affirm upon oath:”
There’s one document re- that they were sent to Aru-
moving the last vestige of ba by order of His Honour Pic.3. Graphic recreation of the Bay at Savaneta
doubt. In the Public Record the Director to fetch from
Office, Letters and Docu- there the manager of the island”, and that, while witnesses deposed as fol- Curacao, and to deliver
ments relating to Curacao, mountain-works, Mr.Paulus they were there, “on the lows: “The Spanish captains them up to them intact, the
there is in the volume Pro- Printz, together with the 16 th of July there arrive off forced the commander to which was done”q
tocols of 1727, under No. materials and slaves of the Commanders’ Harbour two send some one to his house
112, a sworn declaration Honourable Company, Spanish privateers,” etc. to fetch the letters which This story will continue in the
by Paulus Printz, manager and to transport the neces- etc. After having related he had received from His next episode
of the Aruban mountain- sary victuals to the above divers particulars one of the Honour the Governor of