Page 19 - AHATA_Neat
P. 19

                                                                                                                           Saturday 31 auguSt 2019

            Three heroic boys who saved a turtle: Luca, Ivan and Alexander

                                                immediately.  After  a  couple  of  know  what  harm  it  can  cause  to
                                                hours  of  treatment  the  turtle  was  others.  What  may  seem  as  an  in-
                                                released. For Philip it was the best  nocent irresponsible act can have
                                                feeling  seeing  that  the  turtle  was  great consequences.
                                                out of danger.
                                                                                    Should you see any animal in dan-
                                                Philip would like to address all fish-  ger or needs rescuing, please con-
                                                erman out there and anyone who  tact Philip Merryweather any time
                                                shares the ocean with these beau-   of the day at 593-5363.
                                                tiful  creatures  to  be  always  mind-
                                                ful of what you throw as waste in  About Philip’s Animal Garden
                                                the ocean, you never know where  Philip’s Pet Collection Foundation,
                                                it  will  end  up  and  also  you  never  is a non-profit organization that fo-

            NOORD — Thanks to the prompt re-
            action of three brave boys a turtle’s
            life  was  saved.  The  turtle  was  en-
            tangled and had problem breath-
            ing  due  to  the  consequences  of                                                                         cuses  on  rescuing  exotic  animals
            throwing waste in the ocean.                                                                                on  Aruba  and  the  region.  It  was
                                                                                                                        established in 2009. This is the only
            Thanks to the prompt reaction and                                                                           organization  rescuing  and  reha-
            an act of caring these boys, Luca,                                                                          bilitating  exotic  animals  in  Aruba,
            Ivan and Alexander, were able to                                                                            which has resulted in an amazing
            save the life of the turtle.  The three                                                                     collection  of  animals.  They  pro-
            boys were swimming in the Arashi                                                                            vide  a  suitable  living  environment
            area and saw a sea turtle that ap-                                                                          for  all  the  rescued  animals.    The
            peared to be entangled, and had                                                                             owner,  Philip,  has  built  this  shelter
            problem breathing.  It appeared it                                                                          with  his  own  hands_  from  design-
            had something lodged in its throat.                                                                         ing all structures, welding them to
            They bravely approached the ani-                                                                            constructing  all  the  cages  from
            mal  and  took  it  out  of  the  water.                                                                    raw  materials.  His  goal  is  to  up-
            They  noticed  that  the  turtle  was                                                                       grade the facilities to a world-class
            wrapped in fishing line and a rope,                                                                         animal shelter with veterinary care
            even its fins and especially its throat                                                                     and round-the-clock staff. With the
            forcing it to breathe with difficulty.                                                                      input from the Aruban community
                                                                                                                        and  visitors  they  provide  the  best
            They  contacted  Phillip  Merry-                                                                            care for these animals.
            weather  of  the  Philip’s  Animal                                                                          Philip’s  Animal  Garden  is  located
            Garden immediately. Philip rushed                                                                           at Alto Vista 116 in Noord. They are
            to  the  Contreras  Veterinary  Clin-                                                                       open  Monday-Friday  9AM-5Pm
            ic  (Convet)  whose  staff  assisted                                                                        and Saturday-Sunday 9AM-6PM.q

            Honoring of Loyal and Friendly visitors at Aruba Beach Club

            EAGLE BEACH — Recently,  for 10 years consecutively.
            Marouska  Heyliger  of  the  The  Szettella’s  stated  that
            Aruba  Tourism  Authority  they  love  the  island  very
            had the great pleasure to  much,  especially  for  the
            honor  Aruba’s  loyal  and  year-round  sunny  weath-
            friendly  visitors  as  Distin-  er,  nice  sandy  beaches,
            guished  Visitors  of  Aru-  its safety, the delicious va-
            ba.  The  symbolic  Distin-  riety of foods and Aruba’s
            guished  visitor  certificate  warm and friendly people.
            is  presented  on  behalf  of
            the Minister of Tourism, as  Heyliger together with the
            a token of appreciation to  representatives  of  Aruba
            the guests who visit Aruba  Beach Club presented the
            10  years  and  more  con-  certificates  to  the  honor-
            secutively.                 ees,  handed  over  some
                                        presents and also thanked
            The  honorees  were  Steve  them  for  choosing  Aruba
            and  Kristin  Szettella  from  as  their  favorite  vacation
            Massachusetts  who  have  destination  and  as  their
            been coming to the island  home away from home.q
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