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Monday 5 noveMber 2018
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You Can Help adding some Happiness:
There is More to the
Eyes than You See
do not want people to know and will try to ig-
nore it, as long as manageable. Other factors
are they do not wish to burden the family so
they keep themselves isolated”, the director
explains. The majority of the clients are visually
impaired because of glaucoma or diabetes;
for sure 80% of those illnesses are the cause
and also age. A smaller group is born with the
illness, like premature babies, babies with eye
disease or born with cataracts. “Before the
age range was 60 and up, but the clients are
getting younger, so 50 and up is now applica-
tional system is not working well, we need to ble but a growing group are young people in
set a guideline. FAVI has ten workers, the di- their twenties. This is because of the unhealthy
rector, two teachers, bus drivers, receptionist, eating lifestyle so they get diabetes that can
and cleaning lady among others. A revalida- go hand-in-hand with losing sight.”
tion therapist gives all trainings and operates
ORANJESTAD – In the year 1974 a group of en- the vision testing. She teaches patients how Reach Out
thusiastic people, stimulated by the Nether- to work on the computer, typing and does FAVI visits the doctors to underline the impor-
lands, founded the “Stichting Blindenzorg Aru- Braille classes for clients and teachers as well. tance of referring clients to them. “We would
ba” foundation. In 1975 the name was changed It does not stop there, as the assistant at the like to reach everybody, we have the knowl-
to the Papiamento name “Fundacion Arubano school also has to teach Braille to the parents. edge in-house and the professionals working
di esnan Visualmente Incapacita,” abbrevi- There are information briefings to the police here. We call on the community to be open
ated as FAVI, easily recognizable in the com- school and lectures within the community. to us, even if you do not have this problem
munity. The name FAVI nowadays is directly The activity coordinator takes care of all so- yourself, you might know someone in your
linked to the visually impaired. Cetty Baarh, cial activities like trips to the beach or casino neighborhood, and friends, family and you
Director of the foundation: “FAVI is for the blind and bus trips, a Christmas celebration or a help a lot to inform them about us to coax
and visually impaired, we are the only one on comedy show visit. The social workers visit the them out of isolation.
the island that gives guidance to this group. homes of the clients and organize conversa-
The objective is to help and guide them with tional sessions as there are so many topics that Needs
the main purpose to make them happy again. the clients have issues with and in this group “We would love tourists to come and see our
We focus first on happiness because when the they talk and find solutions. “Depressions are facility to see what we have to offer and in-
person feels good about her or himself again common with our clients but this group helps teract with clients. Clients are always open to
after losing her or his sight, only then we can them a lot, there is a way out. We focus on that, so call us and stop by. Every Wednes-
mean something to them. Only then they ac- what they can still do and on acceptance. day we have gym class and we have other
cept our help and if they do we concentrate If you were able to see before and lose your classes, it would be great to show you how
on what they want and need.” sight it is really very difficult. When a child is we work and have you spread the word,”
born without sight mostly the parents have Baarh says. FAVI as a foundation receives a
Reintegration into Society problems. We need to teach the child how government subsidy, mainly to pay the work-
Either the eye specialist or the client initiates the world appears and we paint that world. ers and they have other funds from different
to come to FAVI. Next they go to their home Their social behavior differs often from other donations. “We do activities to get funding
to see the situation and register their needs. children as their senses are more developed and we have collectors. We can only run by
“What do you want? How is your home situa- and they express in a different way which that. We are in need of equipment and that is
tion? Do you have problems at your job? are can cause misunderstandings. expensive, especially for the blind and visual-
some of the questions we ask. After that we ly impaired, like Braille type machines, printers
do a practical visual check with a revalidation 3, 105 Visually Impaired etc. For example we have two blind children
therapist. The test is not medical but for us to According to Census Aruba 2010 there are on the island that follow regular education
determine the person’s visual capacity. When 3,105 visually impaired people. FAVI only has completely in Braille, so they have their typing
a person has 30% or less they are considered 350 clients, by percentage that is compara- machine for Braille. But the technology is ad-
a visually impaired person.” In general people ble to the Netherlands and Curacao. “They vancing and we need to be able to keep up
with a vision above that, they are not accept- do not look for help easily. The reasons are to make sure these kids can proceed in the
ed. However the exception is when their func- the taboo, they are embarrassed to get out, regular system.”q
If you would like to visit the foundation, please call: + (297) 582-5222 or 582-5051and ask for CettyBaarh. For more information visit the website: Facebook: FAVI. Thank You!