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                        Friday 12 July 2019

            The soundness and resilience of the financial sector in Aruba

            remained unabatedly strong in 2018

             ORANJESTAD  —  The  Cen-                                                                                           nancial  sector  regulation
             trale Bank van Aruba (CBA)                                                                                         and  supervision,  has  been
             publishes  its  FINANCIAL                                                                                          conducive  to  maintaining
             SECTOR  SUPERVISION  RE-                                                                                           a very solid and reputable
             PORT  2018.  The  CBA  is  the                                                                                     financial sector in Aruba.
             sole  supervisory  author-
             ity of the financial sector in                                                                                     The  financial  sector  super-
             Aruba. In the Financial Sec-                                                                                       vision  report  also  shows
             tor Supervision Report 2018,                                                                                       clearly that in 2018, Aruba’s
             a legally mandated report,                                                                                         financial  sector  remained
             that has to be submitted to                                                                                        robust,   profitable,   and
             the Minister of Finance be-                                                                                        highly  resilient  to  external
             fore  July  1st  of  each  year,                                                                                   shocks.  The  aggregated
             the CBA provides an over-                                                                                          prudential  ratios  of  the  su-
             view of the main activities it                                                                                     pervised  sectors  stayed
             carried out and the princi-                                                                                        within  sound  ranges.  The
             pal  policy  decisions  taken                                                                                      nonperforming  loan  ratio
             to  implement  the  supervi-                                                                                       of  the  commercial  bank-
             sory  ordinances,  including                                                                                       ing  sector  continued  its
             the  laws  to  prevent  and   to an outline of the recent  the CBA’s core supervisory   site  surveillance  includes   decreasing  path,  from  4.0
             combat money laundering     developments  in  the  inter-  activities  consisted  of  pe-  reviewing  the  mandatory   percent at the end of 2017
             and terrorist financing.    national  supervisory  land-  riodic  onsite  examinations   periodic financial and reg-  and standing at 3.9 percent
                                         scape,  also  an  analysis  is  conducted  at  the  super-  ulatory reports filed by the   at  end-2018.  Furthermore,
             This  report  also  describes   given  of  the  most  salient  vised  institutions  to  assess   supervised  institutions  at   the  stress  tests  conducted
             the  main  actions  the  CBA   developments  in  the  do-  key  risks  and  compliance   the CBA and holding bilat-  on  the  domestic  banking
             took  to  further  strengthen   mestic financial sector.   with  the  prevailing  laws   eral meetings with them.  sector  demonstrate  that
             the  legislative  and  regula-                           and regulations, and ongo-                                this  sector’s  risk-weighted
             tory framework. In addition   As in previous years, in 2018  ing offsite surveillance. Off-  Where deemed necessary,   capital  ratio  and  pruden-
                                                                                                   the CBA applies the instru-  tial  liquidity  ratio,  amount-
                                                                                                   ments available to it to ef-  ing  to  32.2  percent  and
                                                                                                   fectively  enforce  compli-  29.8  percent,  respectively,
                                                                                                   ance  with  the  prevailing   at end-2018 are highly ad-
                                                                                                   laws  and  regulations.  In   equate  compared  to  the
                                                                                                   case it identifies a situation   applicable  minimum  stan-
                                                                                                   of  noncompliance  with      dards, to absorb significant
                                                                                                   the  supervisory  laws  and   external shocks.
                                                                                                   regulations, it may consider
                                                                                                   taking  formal  measures.    As in previous years, during
                                                                                                   That decision depends on,    2018  the  CBA  continued
                                                                                                   among  other  things,  the   its efforts to strengthen the
                                                                                                   seriousness  of  the  case.   regulatory framework by is-
                                                                                                   In  2018,  a  total  of  21  for-  suing new or revised policy
                                                                                                   mal  measures  were  taken   rules and guidelines. Below
                                                                                                   (9  more  than  in  2017).  An   an  overview  of  the  most
                                                                                                   administrative fine was im-  significant developments in
                                                                                                   posed  in  14  cases,  formal   this area.
                                                                                                   directives  were  issued  to
                                                                                                   remedy the identified defi-  1.     Revision   of   the
                                                                                                   ciencies in 5 cases, and a   AML/CFT State Ordinance
                                                                                                   penalty  charge  order  was   Following  the  gap-analysis
                                                                                                   imposed in 2 cases.          conducted  vis-à-vis  the
                                                                                                                                2012  FATF  recommenda-
                                                                                                   The  CBA  applies  a  risk-  tions, in the second quarter
                                                                                                   based  approach  in  the     of  2018,  the  CBA  drafted
                                                                                                   execution  of  its  supervi-  a  legislative  proposal  to
                                                                                                   sory  tasks,  whereby  it  al-  address  the  mostly  techni-
                                                                                                   locates  the  largest  part  of   cal  deficiencies  identified.
                                                                                                   its  supervisory  resources   This  proposal  was  submit-
                                                                                                   to  the  institutions  and  ar-  ted  to  the  Government
                                                                                                   eas (e.g., the loan and in-  of  Aruba  in  August  2018,
                                                                                                   vestment  portfolio,  gover-  which  regretfully  has  not
                                                                                                   nance,  risk  management,    yet  entered  the  legislative
                                                                                                   and  compliance)  with  the   process. Also in light of the
                                                                                                   highest risk profile. This ap-  upcoming  CFATF  evalua-
                                                                                                   proach,  together  with  its   tion in 2020, it is of high im-
                                                                                                   strict  enforcement  policy   portance that this proposal
                                                                                                   and  its  ongoing  commit-   enters  the  legislative  pro-
                                                                                                   ment  to  comply  with  the   cess as quickly as possible.
                                                                                                   highest standards and best
                                                                                                   practices in the area of fi-        Continued on Page 15
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