Page 20 - AHATA
P. 20
LOCAL Tuesday 26 March 2019
Episode XI:
The Limestone landscape
Continued from Page 14 According to the local re-
port, and to our own field
In general, a soil profile is observations, this “ideal”
made up of three units or stratigraphic situation is ex-
horizons, the topsoil which tremely rare in Aruba at the
contains all kind of decay present time. The top ho-
material, the aforemen- rizons are thin or absent in
tioned, humus. It is charac- most places.
terized by a darker color.
The subsoil has little decay Of importance is the com-
material with coarser rock parison of the few places
fragments than the topsoil, where such layers can be
and the original rock lying distinguished and places
under the soil is the parent where both top soil and
or bed rock. most of next stratus is miss-
ing. The former are mostly
The thickness of these hori- areas with significant veg-
zons depends on age, cli- etation or vegetation bor-
mate, vegetation and oth- dering it.
er factors closely related to
the easiness of the soil to be We’ll be back next week
transported. The A horizon with another episode. If
is the part of the soil where you’ve liked our stories,
all biological activity takes book your reservation for a
place. For this reason it is personal Etnia Nativa expe-
important for the vegeta- rience through etnianati-
tion and/or cultivation pos- and take Pic. 4. Mining of Limestone use as gravel has damaged great part of islands landscape for
sibilities. Aruba home with you. q construction activities.