Page 23 - AHATA
P. 23

             Wednesday 13 February 2019

            The Goldmine Ranch goes Hall of Fame

            ORANJESTAD  —  We  have  an  im-                                                                            depend highly on direct bookings.
            portant  news  to  share  today.  This                                                                      We compete against larger chains,
            year  once  more  we  were  recog-                                                                          corporations, boycotts from hotels,
            nized  by  Tripadvisor  with  the  Cer-                                                                     and a large number of activity pro-
            tificate  of  Excellence  for  the  year                                                                    viders. But against all odds, we are
            2018.  What  makes  this  year  even                                                                        still here.
            more special is the addition to the
            Hall  of  Fame.  After  receiving  the                                                                      Off course none of this would not
            Certificate of Excellence for 7 con-                                                                        be possible without our team. We
            secutive years, we are now in the                                                                           have a team of hard working and
            Hall of Fame as well.                                                                                       passionate guides who understand
                                                                                                                        the  importance  of  customer  ser-
            Our  emotions  are  high  and  our                                                                          vice and place love for nature and
            hearts  filled  with  gratitude.  First  of                                                                 animals  above  everything  else.
            all,  we  would  like  to  thank  every-                                                                    Aside from a stable we are also an
            one who took the time to write a                                                                            animal rescue sanctuary for many
            review. Thank you for choosing us                                                                           years now. And we will continue to
            and  giving  us  the  opportunity  to                                                                       work to provide shelter to animals
                                                                                    provide  a  wonderful  and  memo-   in need.
                                                                                    rable vacation experience! As we
                                                                                    always say: “let us be the highlight   Thank  you  everyone  for  the
                                                                                    of your vacation”. This is what we   support,q
                                                                                    continuously  strive  for.  To  all  our
                                                                                    loyal  repeat  guests  who  continue
                                                                                    to visit us year after year, we love
                                                                                    you all!

                                                                                    Secondly,  we  would  like  to  thank
                                                                                    Tripadvisor for providing an impor-
                                                                                    tant platform that brings us closer
                                                                                    to guests all over the world. Without
                                                                                    this platform it would be difficult to
                                                                                    learn about your experiences. And
                                                                                    also for others to learn about every-
                                                                                    thing that Aruba has to offer. Thank
                                                                                    you  for  putting  us  out  there.  Also,
                                                                                    as a local and family run stable we

            The Orange Ribbon Campaign marks Monarch Awareness Month

                                                            is green colored with a golden ring adorning it.
                                                            In  this  pupa  the  caterpillar  transforms  into  the
                                                            orange-colored Monarch butterfly.
                                                            The  Orange  Ribbon  Campaign  has  been
                                                            launched to raise awareness about the impor-
                                                            tance  of  conserving  the  milkweed  host  plant,
                                                            and, at the same time, helping protect the lo-
                                                            cal  Monarch  butterfly  population.  When  you
                                                            see this orange ribbon wrapped around a milk-
                                                            weed, it symbolizes the promise to protect and
                                                            conserve this plant and the recognition of the
                                                            Monarch butterfly as a valuable part of our lo-
                                                            cal ecosystem.

                                                            The Monarch butterfly is known worldwide, and
                                                            is  renowned  for  their  annual  grand  migration,
                                                            where  they  fly  thousands  of  miles  from  North-
            ORANJESTAD  --  The  Butterfly  Farm  Aruba  be-  ern  US/Southern  Canada  to  several  hiberna-
            gins the celebration of its 20 anniversary with a  tion sites in Mexico with colonies reaching over
            campaign to conserve the local Monarch but-     a million in number. These Monarch sanctuar-
            terfly. Orange ribbons will be placed at several  ies attract many visitors yearly. Throughout the
            locations where milkweed, the Monarch’s host  years, de-routed Monarchs have inhabited the
            plant, grows wild.                              Caribbean Islands.
                                                            Join  the  Orange  Ribbon  Campaign.  Visit  the
            The  Monarch  butterfly  depends  solely  on  the  Butterfly Farm in the month of February to get
            milkweed plant (Calitropis procera) for its repro-  your orange ribbon, and help tag the milkweed
            duction.                                        plants in your neighborhood. Together we can
            The female Monarch lays her eggs on this plant,  make a difference.q
            and the caterpillars that hatch use this plant as
            their exclusive food source. After a few weeks of   Photos of Monarch butterflies by Roger Peterson.
            feeding, the caterpillars make their pupa, which
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