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             Wednesday 25 september 2019
            A spoonful less sugar, tad more fat: U.S. diets still lacking

            By LINDSEY TANNER                                                                                                   in 2003, adults were asked
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   that question twice several
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Ameri-                                                                                            days apart.
            cans'  diets  are  a  little  less                                                                                  The  study  lists  food  groups
            sweet and a little crunchier                                                                                        rather   than    individual
            but  there's  still  too  much                                                                                      foods;  for  example  "whole
            sugar,  white  bread  and                                                                                           grains,"  not  oatmeal,  and
            artery-clogging fat, a study                                                                                        "refined  grains,"  not  white
            suggests.                                                                                                           bread but Zhang said those
            Overall,  the  authors  esti-                                                                                       two  foods  are  among  the
            mated  there  was  a  mod-                                                                                          most common grains in the
            est  improvement  over  16                                                                                          U.S. diet.
            years on the government's                                                                                           U.S.  dietary  guidelines  rec-
            healthy  eating  index,  from                                                                                       ommend a "healthy eating
            estimated  scores  of  56  to                                                                                       pattern" to reduce chanc-
            58.  That's  hardly  cause  for                                                                                     es  of  developing  chronic
            celebration  —  100  is  the                                                                                        disease.  The  focus  should
            top score.                                                                                                          be on nutrient-dense foods
            Diets are still too heavy on                                                                                        including vegetables, fruits,
            foods  that  can  contribute                                                                                        whole  grains,  low-fat  dairy
            to heart disease, diabetes,                                                                                         products;  plus  varied  pro-
            obesity  and  other  preva-                                                                                         teins sources including sea-
            lent  U.S.  health  problems,                                                                                       food, lean meats and poul-
            said  co-author  Fang  Fang   In this Monday, Oct. 1, 2018 file photo, a shop owner reaches into a drink display refrigerator at his   try,  eggs  nuts  and  seeds,
            Zhang, a nutrition research-  convenience store in Kent, Wash.                                                      the recommendations say.
            er  at  Tufts  University  near                                                                    Associated Press   During the study years, U.S.
            Boston. The study was pub-   fatty beef, butter and other  Researchers  think  fewer  found.  Salt  intake  dipped  diabetes rates almost dou-
            lished  Tuesday  in  the  Jour-  foods containing saturated  sweetened   sodas   con-  slightly and a small decline  bled, to more than 7%; obe-
            nal of the American Medi-    fats. The study found these  tributed  to  the  decline,  in fruit juice contributed to  sity  rates  increased  during
            cal  Association.  The  results  unhealthy  fats  increased  but  Zhang  noted  added  a drop in low-quality carbs.  many  of  those  years,  with
            are from an analysis of U.S.  from  11.5%  to  almost  12%  sugars  are  often  found  in  But these still amount to 42%  about  70%  of  U.S.  adults
            government health surveys  of daily calories, above the  foods that don't even seem  of  daily  calories,  including  now  overweight  or  obese.
            from 1999 to 2016 involving  recommended 10% limit.       sweet,  including  some  yo-  many likely from highly pro-  Heart  disease  remains  the
            nearly 44,000 adults.        And  while  the  biggest  gurts and tomato sauce.         cessed  white  bread  and  leading cause of death.
            "Despite   observed     im-  change was a small drop in  Fruits,  nuts,  oatmeal  and  other refined grains, Zhang  Besides  continued  public
            provements,"  the  authors  added  sugars,  from  about  other  whole  grains  are  said. The study is based on  health  efforts,  "Coopera-
            wrote,  "important  dietary  16%  to  roughly  14%,  that's  among  the  types  of  foods  in-person  health  surveys  tion from the food industry"
            challenges" remain.          still  too  high.  The  govern-  adults ate slightly more of.  conducted every two years  is  key,  a  journal  editorial
            Among      them:   Getting  ment  says  less  than  10%  Still, each of those contrib-  that  ask  adults  to  recall  said, including by reducing
            Americans  to  cut  down  of  daily  calories  should  uted to less than 5% of daily  what foods they ate in the  sugar,  salt  and  saturated
            on  snack  foods,  hot  dogs,  come  from  added  sugars.  calories  in  2016,  the  study  previous  24  hours.  Starting  fats in foods.q
            Greece: Oxygen-starved fish dying in drought-hit lake

                                                                      By COSTAS KANTOURIS          the water had fallen below  fort to try and prevent Ko-
                                                                      Associated Press             a  critical  level,  accelerat-  roneia from drying out, em-
                                                                      KORONEIA, Greece (AP) —  ing the deaths over the last  ploying  water  diversions,
                                                                      Tens of thousands of dead  week.                          temporary  fishing  bans,
                                                                      fish  have  been  found  on  "Due to the high tempera-    and  a  crackdown  on  the
                                                                      the  banks  of  a  lake  in  a  tures,  the  solubility  of  oxy-  illegal  disposal  of  industrial
                                                                      protected nature reserve in  gen  is  limited  in  the  body  waste  from  nearby  facto-
                                                                      northern Greece after high  of water that is left," Bobori  ries.
                                                                      temperatures and drought  said.  "We  have  sent  sam-    Water levels had stabilized
                                                                      conditions caused a severe  ples  of  dead  fish  and  wa-  at  about  three  meters  (10
                                                                      drop in water levels.        ter for toxicological testing,  feet) by 2015, but summers
                                                                      State  environmental  of-    as  high  temperatures  also  are getting longer and hot-
                                                                      ficials  said  Thursday  that  give rise to toxicity levels."  ter.
                                                                      the  water  level  at  Lake  Once one of Greece's larg-   "Over  the  last  20  years,
            Dead fish lie on the shores of Koroneia Lake in northern Greece,
            on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2019.                              Koroneia  has  dropped  by  est lakes, Koroneia is 30 ki-  there  is  no  doubt  that  the
                                                     Associated Press  more  than  70%  percent  in  lometers  (18.5  miles)  east  weather  has  become  hot-
                                                                      the past three years, to 80  of Greece's second-largest  ter  in  this  region,  and  the
                                                                      centimeters  (31  inches),  city Thessaloniki.            trend is worsening," Prodro-
                                                                      with  the  decline  triggering  Originally  spanning  4,500  mos  Zanis,  a  professor  of
                                                                      the death of carp, sunfish,  hectares  (11,000  acres),  it  meteorology  and  climate
                                                                      bleak and other freshwater  has shrunk to about a third  science at the University of
                                                                      fish.                        of  its  original  size  over  the  Thessaloniki,  told  The  Asso-
                                                                      Dimitra  Bobori,  an  associ-  past three decades.        ciated Press.
                                                                      ate biology professor at the  The  lake  is  part  of  the  Eu-  "The frequency of this phe-
                                                                      University  of  Thessaloniki  ropean  Union's  network  of  nomenon  makes  it  statisti-
                                                                      and  the  lake's  senior  ad-  protected  nature  areas  cally likely that this is in part
                                                                      ministrator,  said  dissolved  and Greek authorities have  driven  by  manmade  cli-
                                                                      oxygen  concentrations  in  launched  a  long-term  ef-   mate change."q
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