P. 20
20 AWEMainta Diabierna, 10 Mei 2019
Na opinion di Rocco Tjon,
lider di fraccion di MEP:
Ley di LAFT ta
THURSDAY MAY 16, 2019 enpugna cu nos
estado di derecho
On Thursday May 16, 2019, at 11 AM, at the Conference
Room of the Chamber of Commerce, Aruba, will be
auctioned in public. ex. art. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil Code of
A condominium, locally known as
including 2 parking lots
locally recorded as First Division Section K number 4260-A PARLAMENTO di Aruba a ricibi e ley di
index nrs. 81, 241 and 242, consisting of: supervision financiero temporal, e asina yana
LAFT. E ley aki cual a wordo traha de facto
- the exclusive right to use a condominium in the Blue dor di Hulanda y sr. Raymond Knops, no lo
Residences II-tower situated on the 7th and 8th floor & a conta cu aprobacion di fraccion di MEP. P’e
10.859 / 100.000 undivided share in the "Blue Residences"
Building and Facilities situated at Irausquin Bulevard 266, simpel motibo cu e ta enpugna cu nos estado
Eagle, Aruba. di derecho.
- the exclusive right to use of 2 parking places & for each Den e nader rapport riba e conseho di “Raad
parking place a 1 / 10.000 undivided share in the "Blue
Residences" Building and Facilities situated at Irausquin van Advies” nos por tuma nota cu ta indi-
Bulevard 266, Eagle, Aruba. ca claramente cu e concepto inicial a wor-
do wanta atras, despues di “consulta” cu sr.
Raymond Knops.
Starting bid: US$ 686.000,00
“Pa mi persona sigur e ta inaceptabel y con-
_________________________________________________ denabel cu sr. Raymond Knops y Hulanda
kier bin actua contra nos estado di derecho
y pretende di por mete tambe den e organo
• The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure Parlamento dor di nan exigencianan. T’asina
auctions and special auction conditions which will be determined
by civil law notary T.R. Johnson. cu Parlamento di Aruba tin te dia 17 pa haci
• Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion. pregunta riba e ley aki y e ley lo ser trata dia
• The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time. 27 di mei”.
• Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by
a reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid
increased with an amount equal to the auction costs. CONSEHO DI RAAD VAN ADVIES
Corectamente “Raad van Advies” ta bolbe
señala cu e ley aki cu Hulanda y sr. Raymond
For more information:
Knops kier impone riba Aruba ta enpugna cu
WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM nos Constitucion y cu Statuut di Reino.