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Thursday 10 January 2019
Newly Upgraded RADEX BCMS Goes Live at Aruba Airport
ORANJESTAD — For ten years, Mi- tion greatly benefits the tourism
gracion Aruba has been using the sector. One of the modules—the
RADEX Border Control Manage- Online ED card—is especially excit-
ment System (BCMS) at the Aruba ing, as it enables the Aruba Tour-
Airport to ensure safe and effec- ism Authority (ATA) to premarket
tive border control. Two years ago, to tourists, avoids input errors, and
the developer of RADEX, Gamma results in shorter processing time at
IT Solutions, was asked by Aruba’s the airport. Other modules include
Minister of Justice to upgrade and a Tourism Module, Fixed Base Op-
modernize the system. Gamma erator Module, Portable Units Mod-
is proud to announce that the up- ule, Coast Guard Module, and
graded version, which is virtually ESTA Module.
an entirely new application with Frank Baks, director of business
many new modules and interfaces, development at Gamma, shares
and all new hardware, servers, and some words on the launch of the
specialized equipment went live at lists, and any other database a sulted in a major improvement in RADEX upgrade: “Our team is in-
the Aruba Airport during the week country desires; second-stage traveler processing time. credibly proud to have delivered
of November 19, 2018. processing, which includes multi- While the upgraded version of RA- such a complex and large project.
biometric search and enrollment; DEX indeed promises greater bor- All the parties involved are very
RADEX is a complete BCMS with the reporting; security; and administra- der control for Aruba, the system satisfied that the project was
latest hard- and software for multi- tion. proves incredibly valuable from a launched so successfully, and we
biometric capture and search ca- With the recent RADEX upgrade, tourism standpoint as well. RADEX look forward to continuing our work
pabilities. Gamma is proud to have adopt- features an extensive array of in- with Migracion Aruba, the Ministries
The key features of RADEX include ed the latest fingerprint and facial terfaces and modules that can link of Justice and Tourism, and the ATA
first-stage processing, which in- scan techniques for multi-biomet- important information between to ensure safe borders and help
volves checks against stolen pass- ric search and enrollment. border control entities and tourism streamline Aruba’s tourism-related
port databases, multiple wanted The RADEX upgrade has also re- authorities. This sharing of informa- processes.”q
Riu Palace Antillas and Riu Palace Aruba said 2018 goodbye with
pagara of 6 million shot
ORANJESTAD — Riu Pal- enjoy together the last day
ace Antillas and Riu Palace of 2018 and to remember
Aruba said goodbye to the how the year went. After
last day of 2018 beside its the “pagara” the family
guests and employees with of Riu Palace Antillas and
the traditional “pagara”. Riu Palace Aruba wished a
Many people from the Aru- happy and prosperous new
ban community came to- year to each guest and to
gether to dismiss the year Aruba’s community and
and to enjoy the “pagara” wished that everyone’s
of 6 million shot of Riu Pal- dream come true.
ace Antillas and Riu Palace
Aruba. About RIU:
The international RIU chain
Employees of the RIU hotels was founded in Mallorca
in Aruba put the “pagara” by the Riu family in 1953 as
starting from Riu Palace a small holiday firm and is claimed All Inclusive by RIU called Riu Plaza. RIU Hotels RIU is currently the world’s
Antillas till Riu Palace Aruba still owned by the family’s service. With the inaugu- & Resorts now has 92 hotels 34th ranked chain, one
and the General Manager third generation. The com- ration of its first city hotel in 19 countries which wel- of the Caribbean’s most
was who fired up the “pag- pany specializes in holiday in 2010, RIU is expanding come over 4 million guests popular, the third largest in
ara”. Everyone present was resorts and over 70% of its its range of products with a year and provide jobs for Spain in terms of revenue
happy to come in union to establishments offer its ac- its own line of city hotels a total of 28,894 employ- and the fourth largest in
ees. number of rooms.q