Page 25 - AHATA
P. 25
Wednesday 17 July 2019
Movie night at the National Library of Aruba
ORANJESTAD — The National Library of About the movie
Aruba would like to invite you their week- This week’s movie is ‘How to train your
ly open air movie night at their location dragon’. What began as an unlikely friend-
in San Nicolas and Oranjestad starting at ship between an adolescent Viking and a
7PM. fearsome Night Fury dragon has become
an epic adventure spanning their lives.
During the month of July the National Li-
brary of Aruba will be holding an open As their true destines are revealed, dragon
air movie night. Every week a new movie and rider will fight together—to the very
will be showed. This will take place every ends of the Earth—to protect everything
Wednesday at the library in San Nicolas they’ve grown to treasure.
& every Thursday at the library in Oranjes-
tad starting at 7PM. The movies that will be Come and enjoy some great family time
featured are ‘How to train your dragon’, and the best of it, entrance is completely
‘Wonderpark’ and ‘Dumbo’. free!q
Towards a Caribbean research agenda
Science asks the opinion of Caribbean residents and institutions
ensure that future research match- their questions via the website Ca-
es the current challenges and until Septem-
developments in the Caribbean ber 15TH 2019. The survey is avail-
region. 'We have deliberately de- able in three languages: Dutch,
cided to submit these questions to English and Papiamento.
both organisations and residents; The information obtained will be
that will give a diverse picture', says linked to experiences from the ex-
Josef Stuefer, programme manag- isting NWO programme Caribbean
er Caribbean Research at NWO. Research and an inventory of cur-
rent knowledge projects. Towards
Residents of the islands and em- the end of 2019 this will result in a
ployees of organisations on Aruba, research agenda for the Carib-
Bonaire, Curaçao, St. Eustatius, St. bean part of the Kingdom of the
Maarten and Saba can submit Netherlands.q
ORANJESTAD —The Dutch Re- For example, do we need more re-
search Council (NWO) invites resi- search into climate change or cor-
dents and organisations from the al restoration? Is more knowledge
Caribbean islands of the Kingdom required about the economic de-
to submit their questions to sci- velopment of the islands? Which
ence. NWO will use this information questions play a role in the field of
to draw up an agenda pinpointing education? What are the most ur-
the most important scientific and gent questions in the areas of nutri-
societal knowledge questions that tion and health?
will shape the direction of the re-
search for the coming years. With this initiative, NWO wants to