Page 9 - VOS JAN 31
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AWEMainta Diamars, 31 Januari 2017                                                                                                           7

          Cuerpo Policial kier pidi boso

           cooperacion pa lo siguiente

        Fiscal y Ministerio Publico

       ta duna orden di detencion

               inmediato di Chobo                                                            AUCTION

       EMMANUEL  Antonio                                                                       ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba
       Frias, alias Chobo riba orden
       di Ministerio Publico ta ser                                               THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2017
       busca. Chobo a nace na Aruba
       dia 20 di december 1985 (27                                             On Thursday February 2, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room
       aña) y ta biba na Madiki 52-                                            of the Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will
                                                                               be auctioned in public:
       H. E ordo di su detencion ta
       pasobra Ministerio Publico                                              1. A residential house locally known as
       ta bisa cu e ta sospechoso di
       violacion  di  e  siguiente  ar-                                                          PARADERA 103-C
       ticulonan: Artikel 2:262 jo. Art 1:119 c.q. art 2259
       juncto art. 1:119 en art 3 Vuurwapen Verordening.                       standing on a parcel of full ownership land, 906 m2 in size,
       E sospechoso en cuestion mester ser trata cu cautela                    situated at Paradera in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division
       ya cu ta ser sospecha di ta “vuurwapen gevaarlijk.”                     Section M number 443.
       Cualkier persona cu mir’e of sa di dje ta ser pidi pa                   Starting price: Afl. 330.000,--
       no aserk’e sino yama Central di Polis na 100 of yama
       11141 tiplijn di Polis mesora.
                                                                              2.  ± 33.680 M2 PROPERTY LAND

       Prome cu nos a sera nos redaccion, for di Departa-                                            DAIMARI
       mento di Prensa di Polis, nos a haya informacion
       cu e sospechoso a entrega su mes na Recherche y e                       a parcel of full ownership land ca. 33.680 m2 in size, situated at
       buskeda a caba di termina.                                              Daimari in Aruba,as further described in measure document SUA
                                                                               352/1999 d.d. April 21, 1999, descending from the parcel locally
                                                                               recorded as Third Division Section C number 1, originally 57.000
                                                                               m2 in size.
       Gobernador Boekhoudt a bishita

            sede di Defensa na Corsou                                          Starting price: Afl. 570.000,--

                                                                               3.     A residential house locally known as

                                                                                                  SAVANETA 387-M

                                                                               consisting of a parcel of full ownership land, 633 m2 in size,
                                                                               situated at Savaneta in Aruba, locally recorded as Fourth Division
                                                                               Section E number 1288.

                                                                               Starting price: Afl. 554.400,--

                                                                        AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. Johnson, LL.M.

       SIMAN pasa e Gobernador nobo di Aruba, Alfonso                      The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
       Boekhoudt a haci un bishita di cortesia n’e sede                     special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.
       principal di Defensa den Caribe, situa na Corsou.                    Johnson.
       El a ser conoci cu e Comandante di Zeemacht pa                      The auction  will take  place  by raising bids (in  Dutch:  “bij  opbod”) and by
                                                                            decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
       Caribe Hulandes, Commandeur Hans Lodder. E                          Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
       Gobernador a haya un impresion general di e trabao                  The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
       cu ta ser haci pa unidadnan di Defensa den Caribe                   Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable
       Hulandes.                                                            bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal
                                                                            to the auction costs.
       Na Aruba, Defensa den Caribe ta ser representa pa
       Squadron di Marina Real cu tin su sede na Mariniers
       Kazerne Savaneta.                                                                                For more information:
       Proximamente  Gobernador  Boekhoudt  lo  haci  su
       bishita oficial tambe na Savaneta pa ser poni na al-                     WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
       tura di kico nifica presencia di Marina Real na Aruba.
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