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Diamars 14 Februari 2017                                                                                                           Pagina 3

               Antony Gario ta reacciona despues cu Otmar a stop su

                                            cancion di toca na Power Fm

            My theme of the day: POLITICS IN ARUBA & THE INNER WORKINGS OF THE

                                MATRIX.!! (by: Antoni Gario. aka The Black Diamond).

                                    2016 Caiso stop.!! A very
                                    personal  problem  that
                                    had nothin’ to do with the
                                    people of Aruba but we all
                                    suffered the loss.!!

                                    Ofelia  Beyde  who  is  the
                                    watch person on his team
                                    and enemy numero uno of
                                    anythin’ and anyone that is
                                    affiliated to Mike de Meza,
                                    Le Groove or anyone that
                                    opposes  Otmar’s  political
                                    philosophy, is also the face
                                    of the new “white is the new
       A  few  months  ago  I  sat   Pink” campaign. Together
       with  ex  -  Minister  Otmar   with   Ralph   Maduro,
       Oduber  and  owner  of       Bradley  Verspree,  Curtis
       Power     Fm     amongst     Fraser, Michael carty and    an internal arrangement to
       other  enterprises,  malls,   other  associates  on  the   post a picture to condemn
       clubs, restaurants, stores,   Otmar  Oduber’s  political   one band and uplift another
       gas  stations  and  other    team,  they  came  to  the   or  to  eliminate  one  band
       properties  too  many  to    conclusion  that  UNDER      or  singer  (Tony  Mingo)
       mention  in  one  post.      NO      CIRCUMSTANCE         from  the  competition  and
       Where  we  struck  a  truce   SHOULD A LE GROOVE          uplift  another.  Hey,  we’re
       until  the  end  of  Carnival   SONG  BE  AIRED  ON       talkin’ about the same set
       63!!  Reason for this truce   POWER FM.!!                 of  people  and  the  same
       was because of the heavy                                  political game played that
       animosity by his followers   It’s now clearer to me why   I call the MATRIX.
       towards  Mike  de  Meza,     my  picture  was  posted     PLEASE  SHARE  THIS
       Bobby  Gibbs,  Le Groove,    together   with    Blacky    PICTURE      SO     THAT
       Alison  Williams,  Egmond    when he was arrested for     EVERYONE          COULD
       Molina,  Arnold  Le  Grand,   the abuse case and NOT      UNDERSTAND           THE
       Rudy  Goedgedrag,  Stan      posted  together  with  him   ARUBA WE LIVE IN.!!
       Lejuez,  Jethro  Mohamed,    when  he  “won”.  I’m  now                                power  and  politics  a      SONG.      UNDER      NO
       Ashrock     Gario     and    even wonderin’ of we were    Ps.  I’m  most  surprised    bitch.!!                     C I R C U M S T A N C E
       everyone  else  in  the      judged fairly on pre-finals   that  Ruben  Garcia  and                                 WHATSOEVER  SHOULD
       Team-Mike De Meza.           night  DESPITE  of  our      Ivan  Kelly  can  sleep  at                               ANY DJ TALK ABOUT LE
                                    technical  difficulties  on   night.  They  were  the                                  GROOVE.!!
       This animosity was fueled    stage. If a complete Caiso   upright  radio  figures  of   The  text  in  the  picture
       by  all  of  his  supporters   contest  can  be  canceled   my  time.  Figures,  to  me,   reads:  IT  IS  STRICTLY   Power  FM  Aruba.  owned
       throughout  the  last  3     for  a  whole  year,  what  is   of  integrity.    Ain’t  money,   FORBIDDEN   TO   AIR   by: Otmar Oduber.!!
       years  which  led  to  the                                                             ANY      LE     GROOVE

                                   Posibel corupcion den Insel Air!

                                                 Inspectornan di Aruba riba payroll

       Un tape cu a circula via whatsapp diadomingo    Relaciona cu e fraude aki,  nomber di un tal
       anochi y dialuna den dia ta conta varios cos cu   Ivo Oduber ta wordo menciona, di lo ta meti
       ta sosodiendo den Insel Air,  cu aparentemente   den e fraude aki. Di otro banda tambe ta ser
       ta hopi bon scondi.                             menciona  cu  RST  a  tene  inval  den  cas  di
       E  tape  via  whatsapp  ta  alega  cu  tin  un   varios ehecutivo halto di Insel Air.
       investigacion hudicial riba Insel Air y posibel   INSPECTORNAN DI ARUBA RIBA PAYROLL:
       corupcionnan di e compania.                     Un di e otro alegacionnan cu a wordo haci ta
       Ta  ser  menciona  cu  husticia  (RST)  ta      menciona cu tin inspectornan di Aruba cu ta
       investigando  un  corupcion  den  e  compania   riba payroll di Insel Air.  Esaki ta algo cu no
       mes,  unda  tin  empleadonan  envolvi.  E       mag,  pasobra  ta  netamente  e  inspectornan
       empleadonan ta wordo acusa di ta konkel cu      aki  mester  controla  e  compania  di  aviacion
       compra di partsnan di avion, unda ta cumpra     y  mester  garantiza  cu  tur  cos  ta  oke  pa  e
       cierto partsnan y ta declara otro partsnan.     avionnan por lanta vuelo.
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