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                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 14 January 2019

            Native Stories in Aruba Today’s New Column: Island Insight

            ORANJESTAD — Passionate people
            are a delight to listen to, naturally
            depending  their  topic  of  passion.
            A couple of weeks ago Aruba To-
            day met an inspirational man: An-
            thony Croes, owner and curator of
            Etnia  Nativa,  a  museum  or  better
            a unique cultural experience cen-
            ter,  where  he  has  established  his
            home  and  atelier  since  2003.  We
            are more than happy to announce
            Anthony as our new columnist. He
            will  enrich  the  newspaper  every
            Tuesday with his knowledge on the  tor’s history and their survival chal-
            cultural  heritage,  flora  and  fauna  lenges.  This  same  interest  encour-
            of  our  Happy  Island.  His  column,  aged him to pursue anthropologi-
            Island  Insight,  will  definitely  show  cal  studies  as  an  academic  call.
            you  Aruba  from  a  different  per-  For  someone  with  such  interest  in
            spective. Welcome Anthony!          cultural  expressions  it  is  no  surpris-
                                                ing that art soon became his yoga
            Aruba Today visited Anthony at his  and  took  more  time  of  his  life  he
            home  Etnia  Nativa  and  you  can  expected.  This  was  after  having  Aruban art world.                   Initially,  he  established  a  studio
            have a look yourself to learn about  suffered  a  serious  spinal  accident  Anthony’s  work  is  indicative  of  a  called Shidaharaca in Oranjestad
            this  amazing  place  on  Facebook  during a rain storm. So it was only  more  sophisticated  re-invigoration  in 1998.
            Aruba Today under Videos Ask Pi-    a  matter  of  time  that  he  seriously  of  the  islands  indigenous  aspect  Anthony is currently the owner and
            lar – Etnia Nativa. Now let us intro-  considered  art  also  as  a  full-time  which  is  gaining  force  in  contem-  curator of Etnia Nativa Art Gallery
            duce Anthony to you.                entertainment. This later gave way  porary art circles. Anthony explains  –Museum.
                                                to  be  invited  by  many  and  vari-  that his work is an Aruban as it gets  A unique cultural experience cen-
            Homage to Heritage                  ous  artists  and  curators  to  exhibit  a  blend  of  two  totally  different  ter,  where  he  has  established  his
            Anthony Croes was born in Aruba  his  work.    On  the  other  hand,  it  is  continents  mind  the  old  and  the  home  and  atelier  since  2003.  For
            13 April 1961. He is an Etnia Nativa  perhaps understandable for some-  conquered  with  native’s  Aruban  more  information  regarding  the
            based  artist  at  Westpunt,  original-  one of his generation and interest  approaching “. In this way, Antho-  artist: Etnia Nativa, Westpunt 37-A,
            ly  from  Companashi.  As  a  kid,  he  to pursue only one ‘single’ career.   ny  circumvents  the  conventional  Noord,  Aruba.  Telephone  00  297-
            demonstrated  a  natural  interest                                      dichotomy between the ‘tradition-    592-2702,  email  etnianativa03@
            and respect for his old world heri-  Since this, he has come a long way  al’ and the ‘avant-garde’., website www.etniana-
            tage as well as his natives’ ances-  in  the  notoriously  hard  to  crack                          q
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