Page 27 - ATA
P. 27

                    Wednesday 15 May 2019

            Main indicators show strong growth of Aruba’s Tourism Industry in 2018

                                                                                                                                10,071  tourists,  which  is  an
                                                                                                                                increase  of  2,183  visitors
                                                                                                                                (+27.7%).  The  United  King-
                                                                                                                                dom  brought  10,546  visi-
                                                                                                                                tors to our island, a drop of
                                                                                                                                45.1%  (18,655  fewer  visitors
                                                                                                                                to  our  island),  this  in  con-
                                                                                                                                nection with the operation
                                                                                                                                of  one  less  charter  from
                                                                                                                                Cruise Tourism
                                                                                                                                A.T.A.  and  Aruba  Ports
                                                                                                                                Authority  are  satisfied  to
                                                                                                                                remark  that  this  market  is
                                                                                                                                experiencing  a  continu-
                                                                                                                                ous  and  stable  increase.
                                                                                                                                In  2018,  Aruba  received
                                                                                                                                815,161  cruise  passengers
                                                                                                                                from  334  different  ships,
                                                                                                                                which  is  equivalent  to  a
                                                                                                                                2.9%  increase  in  passen-
                                                                                                                                ger numbers compared to
                                                                                                                                2017.  Aruba  received  18
                                                                                                                                fewer  ships  (-5.1%)  during
                                                                                                                                2018  compared  to  2017.
                                                                                                                                Clearly,  cruise  ships  nowa-
                                                                                                                                days  are  bigger  and  can
                                                                                                                                carry  more  passengers.
                                                                                                                                (Source:  Aruba  Ports  Au-
            ORANJESTAD  –  On  a  con-   from  the  North  American  tional  tourists,  demonstrat-  of Venezuela, Brazil, Argen-
            tinuous  basis,  the  Aruba  continent  was  792,904,  an  ing  strong  growth  in  2018.  tina,  and  Mexico,  all  the   Tourism Credits
            Tourism  Authority  (A.T.A.)  increase  of  6.7%,  equiva-  In  2018,  Canada  secured  countries  of  Latin  America   According  to  the  Cen-
            records  and  analyzes  sta-  lent to 50,020 additional vis-  50,888 stay-over visitors, re-  increased  the  number  of   tral Bank of Aruba, the so-
            tistics  related  to  our  tour-  itors in 2018. North America  flecting a growth of 7.9%, or  visitors  to  our  island  during
            ism  industry  and  reports  dominates the tourism mar-   3,722 more Canadian tour-    2018.                        called  tourism  credits  for
                                                                                                                                the year 2018 experienced
            on  them.  Due  to  the  end-  ket  for  Aruba,  accounting  ists who visited our island.
            of-2018 upgrade of the RA-   for 73.3% of all the visitors to                          European  Stay-Over  Tour-   an  increase  of  8.2%  com-
                                                                                                                                pared to the same season
            DEX system, which registers  our  destination  during  the  Latin  American  Stay-Over  ism
            all  visitors  who  enter  and  year 2018.                Tourism                      Distance  continues  to  be   in  2017.  It  is  important  to
                                                                                                                                mention  that  the  Central
            leave Aruba, there was an                                 This market continues to see  an  important  role  for  the
            unexpected delay with the  Last  year,  Latin  America  the  impact  of  Venezuela.  market furthest from Aruba,    Bank  of  Aruba,  in  its  new
                                                                                                                                presentation of balance of
            reporting  of  the  monthly  brought  a  total  of  164,085  However, diversification for  but on the other hand, the   payments  (2018),  reclassi-
            figures.  As  a  result,  all  the  visitors to Aruba, which is a  the other countries resulted  European tourist stays more   fied  terminologies:  tourism
            2018  stay-over  tourism  fig-  drop of 19.1% (38,691 fewer  in  growth  in  markets  such  nights  on  our  island.  The
            ures were ready by the end  visitors) compared to 2017.  as  Colombia  (a  growth  of  Netherlands  brought  a  to-  receipts  are  now  called
                                                                                                                                tourism  credits.  (Source:
            of  April.  However,  A.T.A.  This is due to a 47.7% drop  11.1%,  equivalent  to  3,681  tal  of  40,231  visitors  to  our   Central Bank of Aruba)
            is  making  sure  that  soon  in  the  Venezuelan  market.  visitors) and Chile (a growth  island, which is an increase
            the  monthly  figures  will  be  In 2018, the Latin American  of 12%, equivalent to 1,206  of  8%  (2,986  more  visi-  Conclusion
            published  every  month  as  continent brought 15.2% of  visitors). With the exception  tors  in  total).  Italy  brought   Aruba's  tourism  success-
            usual.                       the  total  tourism  for  our  is-
                                         land.                                                                                  fully  surpassed  registered
                                                                                                                                results for 2017 in the areas
            The following is an elabora-                                                                                        of  tourism  credits,  RevPAR,
            tion  on  stay-over  tourism,  From  Europe,  we  received                                                          and cruise tourism. The two
            cruise tourism, and general  a  total  of  89,747  visitors  in                                                     main  indicators  of  tourism
            tourism  entrance  (tourism  the course of 2018, reflect-                                                           strength,  the  RevPAR  and
            credits)  for  2018.  A.T.A.  is  ing  a  1%  decrease  (902                                                        tourism  credits,  showed
            pleased to announce that  fewer  European  tourists)                                                                strong growth in 2018 com-
            they  exceeded  most  of  compared to 2017. Europe                                                                  pared to 2017. The A.T.A. is
            their  growth  targets  they  represented 8.3% of the to-                                                           pleased  with  the  strategic
            set last year.               tal  visitors  to  Aruba  during                                                       efforts made together with
            Stay-Over Tourism                                                                                                   key  partners,  among  oth-
            In the course of 2018, Aru-  North  American  Stay-Over                                                             ers, Government of Aruba,
                                                                                                                                AAA,  APA,  AHATA,  and
            ba  welcomed  a  total  of  Tourism  (United  States  and
            1,082,003  stay-over  visitors,  Canada)                                                                            ATSA.  These  efforts  clearly
                                                                                                                                paid off.
            which  is  1.1%  more  com-  The United States remains as
            pared to the year 2017. This  the main tourism market in                                                            The  A.T.A.  encourages  the
            includes  the  Venezuelan  2018, with a total of 742,016                                                            island of Aruba to continue
            market.                      visitors to Aruba, increasing                                                          working hard to make 2019
                                         the  market  share  by  6.7%,
            The total number of visitors  equivalent  to  46,298  addi-                                                         another successful year.q
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