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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Saturday 3 auguSt 2019

            Scientists get peek into how some fish                                                                                       HEALTH

            change sex as adults                                                                                                   DOCTOR ON DUTY

            By JEREMY REHM                                                                                                      Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Tel. 527 4000
            NEW YORK (AP) — If in the                                                                                                 San Nicolas
            beginning  there  was  male                                                                                          IMSAN 24 Hours
            and  female,  fish  seem  to                                                                                         Tel.524 8833
            have forgotten the memo.                                                                                            Women in Difficulties
            For nearly  500  fish  species,                                                                                     PHARMACY ON DUTY
            including  the  clownfish  in
            "Finding  Nemo,"  the  great                                                                                        Oranjestad:
            divide  between  sexes  is                                                                                          Oduber Tel. 582 1780
                                                                                                                                San Nicolas:
            more like a murky line: If cir-                                                                                     San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
            cumstances  call  for  it,  the                                                                                     Women in Difficulties
            fish can swap their sex, with                                                                                       OTHER
            females  turning  into  males                                                                                       Dental Clinic 587 9850
            in some species and males                                                                                           Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            turning into females in oth-                                                                                        Urgent Care 586 0448
            ers.                                                                                                                Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
                                                                                                                                +297 588 0539
            People  think  of  sex  as  be-  In this photo provided by Kevin Bryant, a dominant male blue-                      Women in Difficulties
            ing  fixed,  said  biologist  Eri-  head wrasse, upper left, defends its spawning territory and a                   EMERGENCY
            ca Todd from the University   group of females, yellow, off the coast of Florida.                                   Police           100
            of Otago in New Zealand,                                             Associated Press                               Oranjestad       527 3140
            "but there are so many fish                                                                                         Noord            527 3200
            that can push it in the other  follow  what  was  happen-  rangement  of  chemical                                  Sta. Cruz        527 2900
            direction."                  ing at the genetic level.    tags  that  attach  to  DNA.                              San  Nicolas      584 5000
            Scientists  have  known  for  They  found  that  removing  These  tags  turn  genes  on                             Police Tipline      11141
            decades  about  the  sex  the  males  likely  stressed  or off and have specific ar-                                Ambulancia       911
            trades, but they've had lim-  females.  The  hormones  re-  rangements  in  males  and                              Fire Dept.       115
                                                                                                                                Red Cross
                                                                                                                                                 582 2219
            ited understanding of how  leased from that stress dial  females.  As female  wrasse
            the exchange happens. In  back  the  activity  of  the  transitioned  to  a  male,                                  TAXI SERVICES
            a study published Wednes-    gene  that  makes  the  fe-  these  tags  were  removed                                Taxi Tas      587 5900
            day  in  Science  Advances,  male  hormone  estrogen,  and reorganized, almost as                                   Prof. Taxi    588 0035
            Todd  and  her  colleagues  and  eventually  ovary  cells  if the fish was being repro-                             Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
            detail the molecular events  start  to  die.  At  the  same  grammed.                                               Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
            behind  this  ability,  as  well  time,  those  hormones  in-  "They're sort of poised and                          A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
            as  what  keeps  mammals  crease activity in the genes  ready  to  go  either  direc-                               Women in Difficulties
            stuck as one sex or another.  that  produce  male  hor-   tion" like a seesaw, she said.                            TRAVEL INFO
            The   researchers   looked  mones,  and  later  testicles  The  hormones  help  push  it                            Aruba Airport   524 2424
            at  the  bluehead  wrasse,  form.                         to the male side.                                         American Airlines 582 2700
            a  reef  fish  that  swims  in  At  a  certain  point,  the  re-  Laura  Casas,  a  biologist  in                   Avianca       588 0059
            small groups of a dominant  productive  gland  "is  most-  Spain who was not involved                               Jet Blue      588 2244
            blue-headed  male  and  a  ly  dying  female  cells  and  in the study, called the re-                              Surinam       582 7896
            posse  of  smaller  yellow  fe-  proliferation  of  early  male  sults surprising. She expects
            males.  Normally  the  male  cells," Todd said.           the  findings  can  apply  to                             Women in Difficulties
            and  females  stay  as  they  But   hormones    weren't  other sex-changing fish, in-                               CRUISES
            are,  feeding  together  and  the  only  thing  switching  cluding  her  study  animal
            occasionally  mating.  But  around.  The  scientists  also  clownfish,  which  shift  from
            if  a  predator  happens  to  saw  a  complete  rear-     male to female.q
            snatch  up  the  lead  male,
            the dominant female in the
            group will become a male.                                                                                           August 4
            "The sex change in this spe-                                                                                        August 7
            cies is remarkable because                                                                                          Monarch
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            it's  so  quick,"  Todd  said.                                                                                      Freewinds
            It  takes  only  minutes  to  a                                                                                     AID FOUNDATIONS
            few  hours  for  the  female's                                                                                      FAVI- Visually Impaired
            behavior to become more                                                                                             Tel. 582 5051
            territorial  and  aggressive
            like a male. In a few days,                                                                                         Alcoholics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736 2952
            she  courts  other  females.                                                                                        Narcotics Anonymous
            And after eight to 10 days,                                                                                         Tel. 583 8989
            she's  fully  transitioned  to  a                                                                                   Women in Difficulties
            male.                                                                                                               Tel. 583 5400
            Todd  and  her  team  re-                                                                                           Centre for Diabetes
            moved the lead males from                                                                                           Tel. 524 8888
            several  wrasse  groups  in                                                                                         Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 4433
            the Florida Keys. As the fe-
            males  changed  sexes,  the                                                                                         Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            researchers took DNA from                                                                                           General Info
            cells  in  the  animal's  brains
            and genitals so they could                                                                                          Phone Directory Tel. 118
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