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PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 8 May 2019
Capone's newly discovered prison roomie gets cot in exhibit
By KRISTEN DE GROOT seum; he could have been
Associated Press in any of the four cells that
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — When held high-profile prisoners,
mobster Al Capone was a stretch dubbed "Park Av-
jailed in Philadelphia in enue."
1929, one newspaper por- "As we began to research
trayed his cell as a luxurious what the cell looked like
lockup, adorned with richly at the time, we began to
colored oriental rugs, pol- question if his treatment
ished wood furniture and was as luxurious as por-
other trappings the mob trayed," Kelley said.
boss told the reporter were They discovered that the
"very comfortable." day after the Public Led-
The Eastern State Peniten- ger reporter wrote about
tiary, which is now a mu- Capone's fancy digs, a
seum, worked hard to rec- journalist from a competing
reate the cell to fit that de- paper found that the mob-
scription. ster's abode was not the
Turns out, that account lap of luxury.
might not have been en- "Capone's cell, which he
tirely accurate, and a key shares with an embezzler
detail was missing: "Public known as 'Bill' Coleman,
Enemy Number One" had This Thursday, May 2, 2019 photo, shows a recreation of mobster Al Capone's 1929 cell at the East- prison statistician, doesn't
a roommate. ern State Penitentiary, which is now a museum in Philadelphia. look like the cozy den of a
What started in January as Associated Press king of leisure," reads the
a simple project to repaint Philadelphia Record ac-
Capone's cell turned into the public Thursday. intricately painted faux in Cell 1, and move the Ca- count from Aug. 21, 1929. It
a complete reworking of it Workers prepping for the wood grain, said Liz Trum- pone exhibit next door to goes on to describe a small
and led to an entirely new paint job found dozens of bull, manager of historic Cell 3. It was never certain table with a vase of gladi-
exhibit. layers of highly decorated preservation at Eastern that Capone was housed olas, a prison-made rag rug
The new Capone cell, now paint on the walls of the State Penitentiary. in Cell 1 to begin with, said on the floor, a dresser and
with an extra cot and less cell, one depicting an ap- They decided to preserve Sean Kelley, director of two cots at the rear of the
fancy decor, opened to parent mural, another with the various paint examples interpretation at the mu- cell. q
Nigerian singer Tiwa Savage 'humbled' over global music deal
LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — Ni- of gospel music . and then
gerian singer-songwriter I really got into jazz like Ella
Tiwa Savage says there's a Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, and
"revolution going on" in Af- then I got into soul R & B
rican music and she is "very and I really, really got into
humbled and excited" to Brandi's voice," she said.
take her music to a world- "She's like my all-time favor-
wide audience. ite vocalist. Yeah. That was
"It's a beautiful journey, it's really, really what got me
history in the making," Sav- into singing."
age said Thursday of her She now takes daily inspira-
newly announced record- tion from her peers both at
ing deal. home and overseas. "Obvi-
Savage is one of the world's ously I'm inspired by the Ri-
leading Afrobeats artists hanna and Beyonce brand
and the first African artist but more so like Wizkid, Da-
to sign a global deal with vido and Don Jazzy, D'banj,
Universal Music Group. It 2face, even from South Af-
seems, however, she forgot rica like Cassper and AKA."
to tell the most important In December, Savage was
person in her life. chosen by Coldplay's Chris
"My mom was, 'Tiwa! Why Martin to perform at Global
didn't you tell me all along?' Citizen Festival in Johan-
I'm like, 'Mom, I know you In this photo taken on Thursday, May 2, 2019, Nigerian singer-songwriter Tiwa Savage, poses for a nesburg. There she met
can't keep a secret.' But photo, after an interview with The Associated Press in Lagos, Nigeria. Jay-Z, who she said was "in-
she's excited. We have Associated Press credible."
a family group chat and "You know he's the type
she was just like, 'Tiwa has international audiences or bad." for the African woman." of person that walks into a
crashed the internet again may not understand some In November, the 39-year- Tiwa, or Tiwatope, was born room and everyone's like,
today!' And she put a smi- of the language "they can old became the first wom- in Lagos but spent part of 'Oh my God. It's Jay-Z.' And
ley face. So she's super, su- feel the soul in the mu- an to win the MTV Europe her childhood in London he has a lot of knowledge
per proud of me." sic" and the themes of her Music Award for Best Afri- with her mother, where she and he's not afraid to pass
The Afrobeats scene is vi- songs are universal. "I think can act, which she said was experienced many her ear- that on, you know, to ev-
brant, she told The Associ- a lot of people know me for "incredible" and "wasn't just ly musical influences. ery artist that he comes
ated Press. Even though love, for love stories. Good a win for me . it was a win "I started listening to a lot across."q