P. 14
14 AWEMainta Diabierna, 19 juli 2019
Fundacion Corector di Papiamento di bishita cerca Gobernador
Directiva ta: Glenda Reiziger, Presidente; Entre otro un ‘Curso di Recapacitacion’
Charaima Burleson, Vice-Presidente, Gil- p’e Corectornan, cu ta forma parti di
bert Damian, Secretario; Josephina Infa- FCP. Tur ta of tabata empleado publico,
zon-Maduro, Tesorero y Julie Franken- cu a gradua y ricibi nan Diploma di Corec-
Thodé, Segundo Secretario. tor na aña 2002.
Motibo di e bishita tabata pa Goberna- E ‘Curso di Recapacitacion’ aki ta pa nan
dor, cera conoci y haya sa mas di e meta amplia nan conocemento y habilidad den
y e plannan di FCP, ya cu recientemente, Papiamento, mirando cu e Ley di Ortogra-
esta dia 14 di mei ultimo, a firma e acta di fia di Idioma di Papiamento a pasa dia 1
institucion na Notario, señor Ralph Yar- di november 2018.
Riba e potret, cortesia di Gabinete di zagaray. Ademas a papia cu Gobernador di e nece-
Gobernador: D.r.p.d.; Gilbert Damian, Glenda sidad y urgencia cu tin pa Gobierno bolbe
Reiziger, Gobernador, señor Alfonso Boekhoudt,
Charaima Burleson y Julie Franken-Thodé Anteriormente, tabata uza e nomber Gru- bin cu un curso di Corector di Papiamento
po Corector di Papiamento y awor, despu- pa empleado publico. Motibo di esaki ta
DIALUNA, dia 24 di juni ultimo, Direc- es di mas cu 16 aña cu e grupo aki ta exis- cu Gobierno mester por cumpli cu e Ley
tiva di Fundacion Corector di Papiamento ti y ta conoci den comunidad, a cambia su di Oficialisacion di Idioma, cu ta aproba
(FCP), a haci un bishita di cortesia cerca status pa un fundacion. Durante e bishita desde aña 2003.
Gobernador, señor Alfonso Boekhoudt. a combersa amenamente tocante e meta y Mientrastanto diferente di e Corector-
E personanan cu ta forma parti di e prome e plannan cu FCP tin. nan aki a baha cu pensioen caba y tin
un cu a fayece. Pronto
FCP lo haci un bishita
tambe cerca Minister di
Asunto General, Evelyn
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS no: CAPEX 19-070-07 Wever-Croes tocante e
tema aki.
PROJECT: Relocation/ Centralization Safety, Training & Badging Gobernador a mustra su
interes y a duna FCP al-
By means of this publication the Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), manager and operator of Aeropuerto Internacional
Reina Beatrix, would like to invite all contractors who are interested in and/or who have formally and/or informally shown gun punto interesante y
interest in the past to AAA to submit to AAA an offer as further described in our Tender Documents (TD).
importante cu por tene
Interested parties can receive the TD from AAA NV by sending a request here for ultimately by July 25, 2019, to na cuenta pa futuro di e The verification for the receipt of the request for the TD remains the responsibility of the
requesting party. When the Tender Document is delivered (starting July 25, 2019) an acknowledgement for receipt is Fundacion y pa nan por
required to validate the receipt of the TD. Site visit is July 31, 2019 at 08.30 am lt. Meeting place is at the Entrance Tower yuda otronan den con-
Building located at the main terminal Building.
Questions on the TD will be accepted until August 6, 2019 at 4:30 pm. A copy of the answers to the questions from all scientisacion di e bon
parties will be emailed ultimately August 9, 2019 to each party that has received our TD.
uzo di Papiamento den
Interested parties should submit one proposal, namely:
comunidad general.
- Proposal for the project: Relocation/ Centralization Safety, Training & Badging Como muestra di apre-
The final date for submission of a proposal to provide the above described is August 23, 2019, 10:00 am, local time at the cio y gradicido cu e
Reception of the Aruba Airport Authority N.V., on the first floor of the Airport Tower Building. bishita fructifero y e
All proposals should be submitted in a closed envelop and delivered at the following direction:
tempo tuma, FCP a re-
Attn: Tender Committee
Aruba Airport Authority N.V. gala Gobernador, señor
Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix Alfonso Boekhoudt, un
Sabana Berde 75, Aruba
pakete cu algun di e
Public opening of the proposals will take place on August 23, 2019 at 10:00 am lt. at the AAA Management Offices.
AAA reserves the right to contact all entities on its own initiative who have expressed their interest in the past to AAA N.V. publicacionnan cu des-
de aña 2004, como Gru-
Aruba Airport Authority N.V.
July 2019 po Corector di Papia-
mento, awor Fundacion
di Papiamento, a traha
durante e añanan.