Page 25 - ARUBA BANK
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AWEMainta Diahuebs 23 Februari 2017                                                                                                         33

                                                                                                                               Servicio pa
         Letter to the Editor
         NEW COURSE

         SPIRITUALITY                                                                                                           Emergencia

         AND LIFE VALUES                                                                                                   Brandweer ................................. 911

                                                                                                                           Polis .......................................... 100
                                                                                                                           Polis Oranjestad ......................... 102
                                                                                                                           Polis San Nicolas ....................... 104
         By: Marjorie Rumnit                                                                                               Polis Santa Cruz ........................ 105
                                                                                                                           Polis Shaba ............................... 107
                                                                                                                           Polis Tipline ............................ 11141
                                                                                                                           Ambulance San Nicolas ...... 584-5050
                                                                                                                           Ambulance Sasaki .............. 582-5573
                                                                                                                           Ambulance Wayaca ............ 582-1234
                                                                                                                           Hospital .............................. 527-4000
                                                                                                                           Centro Medico San Nicolas . 524-8833
                                                                                                                           SVB (AO-Ziekmelding) ......... 527-2782
                                                                                                                            Botica na Warda

                                                                                                                                  Pabou di Brug:
                                                                                                                                    Dakota N.V.
                                                                                                                                  Pariba di Brug:
       AS the turn of the century pro-        this feeling that we might have the    past  be  relevant  for  us,  in  our         San Lucas N.V.
       gressed interest for the other sig-    power  within  us  to  bring  about    hi-tech, fast-changing world? We       Dokter na Warda
                                                                                                                                  Pabou di Brug:
       nificant part of life grew.            positive change and foster global      will look for answers in selected          Huisartsenpost Hospital
       Ever more people sought to un-         peace is spiritual awakening which     stories  about  issues  like choice          Pariba di Brug:
       derstand the deeper meaning of         has globally manifested itself.        and faith; sanity and insanity;          Centro Medico San Nicolas
       life, the why of being part of life                                           success and failure; individualism         Servicionan
       and the why of experiences in life.    Awakened to intuitively know-          and responsibility; community life    ELMAR Storingdienst ........... 523-7147
                                              ing that change and peace, how-        and personal freedom.                 SETAR Storingdienst ..................... 117
                                                                                                                           Digicel .......................................... 145
       With  Global  developments  of         ever global it may be, begins with                                           WEB Storingdienst .............. 525-4600
       human relationships these last         change within ourselves, how we        The course will be given by Rabbi     Reina Beatrix Int’l Airport ...... 524-2424
                                                                                                                           Serlimar .............................. 584-5080
       decades this interest has for many     live and how we treat others.          Daniel Kripper, an acknowledged       Arugas ................................ 585-1198
                                                                                                                           Guarda Costa .............................. 913
       evolved into a hunger for knowing                                             public speaker and  educator on             Funeraria
       and understanding humanity, of         So  we  work  at  improving  our-      issues of spirituality, religion and
                                                                                                                           AD Patres ........................... 584-2299
       understanding oneself, to know         selves in those fields. We educate     psychology.                           Aurora ................................ 588-6699
       what can we do that could make         ourselves by reading and following                                           The Olive Tree ..................... 582-0000
       a positive input.                      courses.                               Mr. Kripper is currently the spiri-         Fundacion
                                                                                                                           Rode Kruis Aruba ................ 582-2219
                                                                                     tual leader of Beth Israel, the Jew-  FADA .................................. 583-2999
       This desire for understanding and      Recommended is an interesting          ish community of Aruba.               Fundacion Respeta Mi ......... 582-4433
                                                                                                                           Fundacion Guia Mi .............. 587-1677
                                                        course which the local       This course involves four sessions    Muhe den Dificultad ............ 583-5400
                                                                                                                           Telefon pa Hubentud .................... 131
                                                        public library has an-       of  one  and  a  half  hours  once  a   Centro Kibrahacha .............. 588-3131
                                                        nounced for March:           week.                                 Stichting Bloedbank ............ 587-0002
                                                                                                                           Mary Joan Foundation ......... 588-9999
                                                        The  Biblioteca Nacio-       Course will start in March: Mon-      Koningin Wilhemina Fonds ... 582-0412
                                                                                                                           Fundacion Pa Nos Muchanan.. 583-4247
                                                        nal announces: New           day, March 6, 13, 20, 27, 2017,
                                                        course Spirituality and      from 5:15 PM till 7:00 PM.                Cas Editorial
              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
            Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.  Life values, March 2017
                    E ta hibami na awa trankil,                                      Registration is possible by sending
                     Pa mi bolbe haya forsa”.
                          Salmo: 23                     Stories for the soul: A      an email to info@bibliotecanacio-       The Media Group
                                                        look into our spiritual                                       Margrietstraat #3
           Cu inmenso tristeza nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:                                                                     Oranjestad, Aruba
                                                        dimension through sto-                                               Tel: 583-1400     Fax: 583-1444
                                                        ries from the Kabbalah,      Do register in time if you are
                                                                                                                                 Orario di Oficina
                                                        the ancient mystical         interested. For more information            Dialuna - Diabierna
                                                        tradition and its con-       check out the link below.                      8am - 5pm
                                                        temporary meaning.            Cuenta di Banco
                                                                                     pa/spirituality-and-life-values/998         CMB #22982600
                                                        Abstract: Inspiration-       Desire peace, feel peaceful, act               E-mail
                       Sra. Ineke                       al  stories,  proverbs       and respond peacefully, inspire         Redaccion:
                 Beaujon-Penninga                       and  parables that help      peace soul to soul and transcend
                   *05-11-1934   †21-02-2017            us face life from a per-     the world. This process is sweet       Subscribi na:
                                                        spective of hope. How        and will spread as a wildfire, so             Director
               Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
                                                        can allegories of the        get involved.                             Victor “Toko” Winklaar
                                                                                                                                 Victor R. Winklaar
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