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Banknote of the Year

                                                                                       August 27, 2019

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                                                                                                                                           Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Oklahoma judge rules against drugmaker, orders $572M payment

            By SEAN MURPHY
            NORMAN,  Okla.  (AP)  —
            An  Oklahoma  judge  on
            Monday  found  Johnson  &                                                                     CRISIS PAY
            Johnson and its subsidiaries
            helped fuel the state's opi-
            oid  crisis  and  ordered  the
            consumer  products  giant
            to  pay  $572  million,  more
            than twice the amount an-
            other  drug  manufacturer
            agreed to pay in a settle-
            Cleveland  County  District
            Judge  Thad  Balkman's  rul-
            ing  followed  the  first  state
            opioid  case  to  make  it  to
            trial and could help shape
            negotiations  over  roughly
            1,500  similar  lawsuits  filed
            by  state,  local  and  tribal
            governments consolidated
            before  a  federal  judge  in
            "The  opioid  crisis  has  rav-
            aged the state of Oklaho-
            ma,"  Balkman  said  before
            announcing the judgment.
            "It must be abated immedi-
            An  attorney  for  the  com-  Judge Thad Balkman arrives to give his decision in the Opioid Lawsuit in Norman, Okla., Monday, Aug. 26, 2019.
            panies  said  they  plan  to                                                                                                    Associated Press
            appeal  the  ruling  to  the
            Oklahoma Supreme Court.      deal with OxyContin-maker  companies  and  their  sub-    the drugs were for treating  ple in the state from 2007 to
            Before  Oklahoma’s  trial    Purdue Pharma and an $85  sidiaries  created  a  public  chronic  pain  and  under-    2017.  Hunter  called  John-
            began  May  28,  the  state   million  settlement  with  Is-  nuisance  by  launching  an  stated the risk of addiction.  son & Johnson a “kingpin”
            reached  settlements  with   raeli-owned  Teva  Pharma-   aggressive and misleading  Oklahoma Attorney Gener-       company  that  was  moti-
            two    other    defendant    ceutical Industries Ltd.     marketing  campaign  that  al  Mike  Hunter  says  opioid  vated by greed.
            groups  —  a  $270  million   Oklahoma    argued    the  overstated  how  effective  overdoses killed 4,653 peo-         Continued on Next Page
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