Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
Monday 12 noveMber 2018
And the Winners are….:
Wiki Loves Monuments Aruba 2018 announces results
ORANJESTAD — Wiki Loves Monu- quality of the photographs of this 1st place: Bea Croes who won nized by Wikimedia Nederland in
ments is an annual international year stood out more compared 1,000 florins 2010. In 2011, other countries in Eu-
photographic competition held to prior years. The judges who had 2nd place: Charles Ridderstap, rope took part in it, too, and in 2012
during the month of September, the difficult decision to choose he won a weekend stay at La Ca- it became an worldwide competi-
organised worldwide by Wikipedia ten nominees were: Van Gas- bana Beach Resort and Casino tion achieving also the Guiness Re-
community members with the help sant, (professional photographer), 3rd place: Gerald Rasmijn who cord as the Biggest Photography
of local Wikimedia affiliates across Raul Gei, (representative from the won 250 florins Contest. Aruba participated in
the globe. The Wikipedia photo Monument Bureau), Walter Mo- Category 2: Non-protected Mon- 2013 for the first time. For next year
contest this year is around cultural hamed (photographer) and Anne uments went to Dyanne Lopez the plan is to have Bonaire and
heritage. Monumentfunds Aruba Witsenburg (director of Monument Schipper who won 250 florins. Curacao included and organize
(SMFA) organized the 4th edition Funds Aruba). The ten nominees the Wiki Loves Monuments Dutch
of Wiki Loves Monuments Aruba as will continue their participation at The person with the most pho- Caribbean version.
a pre selection of the international the international championship to- tographs uploaded was Beverly
competition and the winners are gether with 54 other countries. The Akins with a total of 60 photo- The purpose of this competition
announced. result of this will be known in the up- graphs. All the winners received is to generate as much informa-
coming month. their photographs reproduced tion as possible about our cultural
A total of 241 photographs of mon- on a canvas as a souvenir. heritage on Wikipedia and a way
uments all over the island were The Results to share it with the world. This way
received for the competition that Category 1 : Protected Monu- Wiki Loves Monuments intitially was SMFA contributes to the preserva-
took place last September. The ments a photography competition orga- tion of our history for the future.q
Bea Croes 1st place Charles Ridderstap 2nd place
Dyanne Lopez category 2 1st place Gerald Rasmijn 3rd place