P. 10
Wednesday 8 February
Crumbling Foundation
will be areas of heightened often due to changes in usually all that is needed for are very real. Accepting the
tension that will be more the muscles. Most neck and these women to walk nor- sentencing that the structure
vulnerable to irritation and back problems are a result of mally again. of your back has crumbled
injury. When an injury takes tight, achy muscles brought In the many years and your choices are to
place, there will usually be a on by years of bad posture. that we have provided pri- “live with it, or get an opera-
muscle spasm and swelling Additionally, joint stiffness mary care to our communi- tion” is ridiculous. There are
indicating inflammation of and pain, could mean you ty, every new case of lower more options. Call to make
the discs or nerves. This is why are at risk for degenerative back pain has come to us an appointment if you are
By: Dr. Carlos Viana it is common to feel multiple osteoarthritis. Poor posture with a diagnosis from an al- ready to rebuild your foun-
As strong as your types of pain when injured. and a sedentary lifestyle lopathic doctor that there dation for some peace and
house might be, if the foun- Muscles cause dull aches have shown to increase the is a “disk problem”. Either tranquility.q
dation of the structure is col- while nerves cause sharp risk of the condition in later the disk is herniated, which
lapsing the dwelling will not pains. years. would mean that a rupture CARLOS VIANA ta un Doct-
last long. A strong founda- Low back pain is the Sciatica refers to in the wall of a disk, between er (Ph D) den Antropologia
tion supports a strong build- most prevalent cause of dis- pain that begins in the hip two vertebras or because Medico, e ta un Doctor den
ing. The lower back is truly ability in people under age and buttocks and continues nerves are being “pinched”. Medicina Tradicional Ori-
the foundation of our body’s forty five. If you have any all the way down the leg. This Of course, pain medication ental studia na Shanghai,
structure and an agoniz- of the following symptoms, pain is also in the lower back. is provided along with trite China; nutricionista clinico
ing lower back means your you need medical atten- The term “sciatica” indicates advice to “take some time certifica. Tambe miembro
body cannot stand upright. tion. Pain is worse when you that the sciatic nerve, which off to relax”. di directiva di e Asociasion
In our clinic we have seen cough or sneeze; pain or travels from the lower back It is important to tract di Professionalnan den trata-
patients with excruciating numbness travels down one into the leg, is where this pain down the source of your low- miento di adiccion ytoxico-
lower back transported to us or both legs; pain awakens is moving. er back problems if your pain logia, Presidente di e comi-
in the back of station wag- you from sleep; you are find- While we treat this condition is spontaneous or regularly te pa America Latino di e
ons, SUVs, and hatchbacks. ing it difficult to or loose con- successfully with acupunc- recurring. My mother, Nora, Academia Internacional di
The parts of the trol of urine or bowel move- ture I check the health of suffered for years from low Medicina Oral y Toxicologia.
lower back include the ment. the prostate in male patients back problems; directly re- Dr. Viana tin un programa di
bony structure of your spine There are several and screen women in child lated to a somewhat serious radio tur siman , ta scirbi y
and pelvis; areas of motion symptoms of lower back bearing ages for urinary tract automobile accident in the duna lecturanan extensam-
which are the joints of soft problems. Nearly all lower or vaginal infections. years before belt restraints ente . Pa mas informacion
pads-discs, the supportive back problems present with In the postmeno- and airbags. At her eightieth di e servicionan na VIANA
structures that initiate mo- numbness, weakness, sci- pausal female low back birthday she walked effort- NATURAL HEALING CENTER
tion are the muscles, liga- atica pain, stiffness, or tight- pain, difficulty initiating stool lessly and confidently to her NV, Kibaima 7, Tel 585 1270,
ments which are the straps ness. When nerve impulses or urination, urinary incon- birthday celebration and Web sight: www.vianaheal.
that hold bone to bone and aren’t traveling properly tinence, and pelvic pain honored me with her first of com
the electrical system sup- from the skin to the brain you or pressure is usually from a many dances. A living testa-
plied by the nerves. As the will feel numbness. Weakness weakening of the supporting ment that lower back pain “Prescriptions from Paradise”
center of the body, dancers happens when signals don’t structures of the vagina and needs not be a life sentence. ta optenible na Aruba na Vi-
and other athletes realize travel properly from the brain uterus. Get The Point! Anne ana Healing Center, Tur libre-
that all sustainable move- to the muscles or from prob- During the childbearing Frank, the seventeen year old ria, Gift shops y centro nan
ment in your body originates lems in the muscles them- years the female hormones Dutch girl caught hiding from di salud di calidad. tambe
in your body’s core or cen- selves. I see many patients have continuously stimulat- the Nazis said “I simply can’t ta disponibel den forma
ter, which includes the lower suffering from Type II diabe- ed the sexual organs. With- build my hopes on a foun- do print y pa Kindle down-
back. tes with these leg problems. out a replacement physi- dation of confusion, misery load pa nos amigo nan pa
Lower back pain Patients who awak- cal stimulation, the muscles and death... I think... peace fo di Aruba na www.ama-
can be a combination of en early in the morning with and ligaments weaken and and tranquility will return Pa anuncio nan
the parts of the back. Injuries stiffness are likely to be suf- are no longer able to hold again”. She was not writ- acerca di mas evento nan
are caused either by one fering from an inflammatory the organs in place. Many ing about the same foun- y firmamento di buki check ,
major trauma or by many condition. Since there could times I get a complaint from dation, but her words ring check corant nan local, ra-
minor traumas that occur be a more serious problem, a menopausal woman that true for what you are going dio y television tambe como
over time. If there is an en- and a physician should rule “something” from the vagi- through suffering from back riba
ergy imbalance, such as a out infection and severe psy- na is protruding rather than pain. The negative effects of y join e discusion riba nos
rotated pelvis, a short leg or chological problems. any pain or pressure feel- back pain on family relation- Facebook pagina: www.
an increased or decreased Tightness in the back, ings. A series of ten to fifteen ships, your job, loss of self es-
curve in the low back, there neck, arms and legs is most acupuncture treatment are teem, guilt, fear, and anger tionsformparadise