P. 32

Pagina 32                                                                                                     Diamars 21 Februari 2017
                                          E  CRISIS  GRANDI  DEN  NOS  TURISMO:


                                  RIBA  UN  CAMINDA  HOPI  BOBO

       Awe  ta  tocami  e  deber  (e  “honor”   TRIPADVISOR   ta   comenta   lo   duration  of  our  dinner  experience.   traha como recepcionista/front office
       dudoso)  di  duna  dos  ehempel     siguiente  riba  e  restaurant  “Carpe   When  we  finally  were  ordering,  the   clerk y despues como night auditor.
       evidente  di  e  maneho  hopi  bobo   Diem”, pa henter mundo lesa:      moussaka was not available and one
       riba  tereno  di  turismo,  di  e  anterior                             would think this would be announced   E  tempo  aya  e  tabata  conocí  bao
       minister di turismo Otmar Oduber y e    “HORRIBLE OWNER”                prior  to  ordering,  as  two  people  in   nomber  di  “Strand  Hotel”,  bao
       gobierno Mike Eman.                                                     our party were really looking forward   maneho  di  su  doño  sr.  Ike  Cohen,
                                           Reviewed 4 September 2014           to  this  dish.  So  other  dishes  were   d.f.m. Mi por bisa cu mi relacion cu sr.
          E  RESTAURANT  GRIEG0                                                decided  upon.  Appetizers  and  Main   Ike Cohen tabata hopi bon, y p’esey
               “CARPE  DIEM”               Don't  bother  spending  any  time   courses were ordered and repeated   tabata un lastima cu, pa motibo di un
                                           or  money  here.  Our  staff  member   by  the  server  to  avoid  mistakes,  I   desacuerdo  serio  cu  su  señora,  mi
       Te  cu  algun  tempo  pasá  Aruba   accidentally charged my credit card   guess.  The  appetizers  were  finally   mester a dicidi di bandona e trabao
       tabata  conoce  un  asina  yamá     for  another  patron’s  bill.  It  took  25   served.. two out of six. One hot, one   ey di un dia pa otro. Mi ta kere di por
       restaurant  Griego  “Carpe  Diem”,   minutes  for  the  owner  to  manage   cold and four pending. The missing   papia den nomber di tur trahador di
       situá  otro  banda  di  caminda  di   to  correct  the  error.  THATS  NOT   four arrived twenty minutes later, with   Strand  Hotel  di  e  tempo  ey,  ora  mi
       Hotel  Renaissance,  mas  pabao     THE  ISSUE.  HE  BERATED  4         one wrong order, which was left on   bisa cu e trato tabata bon, e aspecto
       na  L.G.  Smith  Boulevard.    Manera   staff  members  in  front  of  all  the   the table and the correct one coming   di e hotel mes tabata “de lo mehor”,
       describí  caba  na  varios  ocasion,   patrons during this 25 minutes. The   after  ten  minutes.  More  bread  was   y  cualkier  asunto  cu  tabata  rekeri
       aki  na  Aruba  restaurantnan  no  ta   mannerisms  he  displayed  were   requested,  as  we  had  gone  hungry   atencion,  di  biaha  tabata  wordo
       wordo habrí a base di investigacion   absolutely  unnecessary.  The  way   and  had  eaten  what  was  provided.   atendí,  si  no  tabata  pa  e  personal
       profundo  ni  “masterplanning”,  siguí   he was ranting and raving you would   This  bread  took  yet  another  fifteen   mes, tabata pa mr. Ike Cohen himself!
       pa  adquisicion  pro-activo,  pero  a   have thought, the restaurant was on   minutes  to  arrive  even  though  the
       base di kico cualkier aventurero por   fire.                            server  was  kindly  reminded  three   Kico bo ta weita awor?
       tin  den  su  cabez  y  ofrece  esaki  na                               times. By time I was half way through
       Otmar  Oduber,  acompañá  of  no  pa   The Staff was so ashamed.....    my  appetizer  suddenly  I  had  the   E  hotel  aki  awor  a  para  bira  un
       un  envelop  cu  contenido.  Esun  cu                                   Main  course  standing  beside  it.   ehempel  “briyante”  y  yamativo  di  e
       tabata maneha e restaurant aki, si mi   “WORST              DINNER      Three of the six dinner orders were   actual total  ausencia di un maneho
       no ta equiboca, tabata un asina yamá   EXPERIENCE  EVER”                wrong orders and we were told they   riba  tereno  di  turismo  di  Otmar
       profesional di tennis procedente for di                                 still brought the dinners out like this,   Oduber y e gobierno Eman.
       Hungria, kende - en bista di su barica   Oct 17, 2014 - posted by Werner  although  they  noticed  they  were
       fuera  di  lo  normal  –  visiblemente                                  wrong, so we would have to wait no   Si bo a bishita hotel Talk of the Town
       mester  tabata  sufri  di  obesitas,   Being  attracted  to  the  nice  setting   longer. REALLY ??? We sent nothing   den por ehempel e ultimo 4 lunanan,
       pero kende sinembargo, cu un ciga   and furniture, we decided to give this   back and by now were disappointed   lo bo a ripara cu e toilet di homber
       gordo  den  boca,  tabata  duna  “les   restaurant  a  go.  What  a  MISTAKE.   to  the  point  of  no  return.  Two  of   banda di e entrada tin dos labamano
       di tennis” riba Aruba. Conocí di por   We made our reservations early and   the  dinners  were  not  really  eaten   y dos toilet formá door di plachinan
       papia habilmente y elocuentemente,   judging  by  the  reservation  book  at   due  to  the  errors  committed.  We   di hero (modelo Americano “stalls”).
       di acuerdo cu informacion fidedigno,   that time, it was going to be a quite   were  assured  two  dinners  would   Un di e dos toiletnan aki ya pa 4 luna
       e tabata sa di kita e ultimo centnan   night. We arrived on time and were   be  removed  from  the  bill.  After  all   no por ser usá, pasobra e plachi na
       gespaar  for  di  algun  dama  di  un   greeted nicely and seated. We were   this  who  wants  dessert.  A  cake   parti  dilanti  unda  tambe  tin  e  porta
       edad  un  poco  mas  avanzá,    pa   celebrating a special occasion, which   was  brought  out  for  the  aggravated   di  entrada,  ta  colga  di  un  banda  y
       diripiente  e  figura  aki  converti  su   we  had  informed  the  hostess  of  at   birthday boy turning 65. Even for this   no  por  wordo  será  na  yabi;  tambe
       mes den un empresario riba Aruba,   the  time  of  making  the  reservation.   we  were  asked  to  lend  a  lighter  to   un  di  e  dos  labamanonan  tampoco
       sin ningun conocimento di e materia,   She had assured us we would have   light the candle, which we kindly had   por  wordo  usá  pasobra  e  cranchi
       sin experiencia y sin preparacion of   a  splendid  evening.  The  server   to request the server to return to us.   di  awa  no  ta  instalá  100%  y  casi
       educacion! Ta di comprende cu e cos   came  over  to  tell  us  about  some   We  asked  to  see  the  manager,  but   ta  cay  abao,  y  awa  no  ta  sali  mes.
       aki  no  por  a  sigui  bon.  Si  bo  weita   special  items  and  it  was  already   were  told  no  manager  was  working   Y  ningun  doño,  ningun  gerente  of
       e potret adhunto di un plato sirbí na   clear she did not do her homework.   at  this  establishment.  So  we  asked   manager, ningun supervisor, ningun
       e  restaurant  aki,  abo  lo  a  keda  cu   When  drinks  were  taken  we  asked   for the owner, who seemed to be out   personal di mantenimento of cualkier
       apetit? Mi ta sigur cu no!          questions about their so-called fresh   of the country. The owner’s daughter   otro  miembro  di  personal,  cu  ta
                                           martinis and the ingredients, to which   was  in  the  restaurant  ,  seemingly   worry  cu  e  situacion  aki,  corda  pa
       Permitimi  copia  algun  comentario   an answer was given only after quite   doing  the  cash  register,  but  failed   haci  algo  na  dje;  no  …djis  lague
       cu  e  restaurant  aki  a  ricibi   some  inquiries  with  the  bar.  So  we   to  attend  to  any  of  these  issues   manera  e  ta,  y  aki  un  aña  e  dos
       internacionalmente,  pa  colmo  for   finally ordered the drinks and these   during  our  time  at  the  restaurant.   cosnan  aki  ainda  no  ta  drechá.  Y
       di  turistanan  bishitando  nos  isla;   took a good twenty minutes to make   SHOCKING.  We  asked  for  the  bill   ta  di  e  manera  aki  nos  turismo  ta
       asumiendo cu generalmente pueblo    it  to  our  table.  Looking  around  we   paid  and  later  realized  only  one   cabando  na  nada.  E  calidad  di  nos
       ta comprende Ingles, mi ta opta pa   were a bit shocked as we were only   dinner was removed from the bill. All   turismo  ta  cos  di  yora,  un  lastima
       no pone e traduccion acerca.        of  the  four  tables  occupied  for  the   in all this has been the worst dinner   total, y inacceptabelmente deteriorá
                                                                               experience any of us has had up to   ….  y  un  di  e  motibonan  di  esaki  –
                                                                                                                   of  mihor  bisá:  e  motibo  principal  di
                                                                               that  day.  My  recommendations?  Do   esaki - ta cu OTMAR  ODUBER  Y
                                                                               you really want to know? As a new   MIKE  EMAN  NO  TA  HACIENDO
                                                                               restaurant  coming  to  Aruba,  one   NADA    NA    MASTERPLANNING,
                                                                               would  think  they  would  be  in  top   PERO    TAMPOCO    NA    MANEHO
                                                                               shape,  in  order  to  be  on  par  and   DI  CALIDAD.  Otmar Oduber y Mike
                                                                               better  than  the  competition,  which   Eman ta culpabel y responsabel pa
                                                                               there is plenty of. We all left furious.
                                                                                                                   e  maneho  aventuroso  di  Aruba,  y
                                                                               Bo a kere cu mi a cla? Lubida!      lo  mester  responde  pa  esaki  den  e
                                                                                                                   eleccion na september proximo!
                                                                               TALK  OF  THE  TOWN  HOTEL
                                                                                                                   Remigio  A.  R.  Wever,.Ex-director
                                                                               Tempo  cu  mi  a  caba  di  studia  na   ATA
                                                                               Hotelschool na Den Haag, e hotel aki
                                                                               tabata  e  prome  hotel  unda  cu  mi  a
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