Page 15 - MIN ECEM 8 APRIL 2017
P. 15
Saturday 8 april 2017
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Marriott Ocean Club
PALM BEACH - Recently the tive annual visits to Aruba!
Aruba Tourism Authority The honorees are regu-
had the great pleasure of lar guests of the Marriott
honoring two very special Ocean Club and they love
couples as Goodwill Am- Aruba very much because
bassadors at the Marriott of the friendly people, the
Ocean Club. climate, beaches, restau-
The symbolic honorary title rants,
is presented in the name relaxation and being on
of the Minister of Tourism as Aruba and staying at the
a token of appreciation to Marriott Ocean Club is like
guests who visit Aruba for being home for them!
20-to-34 consecutive years. The certificates were pre-
The honorees were Mr. Vin- sented by Mr. Ricardo
cent and Mrs. Donna Frat- Croes representing the
tura, and Mr. Michael and Aruba Tourism Authority to-
Mrs. Margi Frattura, all cel- gether with associates from
ebrating 20-plus consecu- the Marriott Ocean Club.q