P. 16

A4   U.S. NEWS
                Thursday 1 November 2018

            America’s gender, racial divides on display in House races

            By LISA MASCARO                                                                                                     nearby Glen Ellen said she’s
            AP  Congressional  Corre-                                                                                           all for bringing more diver-
            spondent                                                                                                            sity to Congress. But as an
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Per-                                                                                           employment  recruiter,  she
            haps nowhere is the choice                                                                                          said she also wants the best
            facing voters next Tuesday                                                                                          candidate for the job. And
            more vividly on display than                                                                                        she  said  she  appreciates
            in  the  battle  for  control  of                                                                                   what the president and the
            the  U.S.  House.  Democrats                                                                                        Republican Congress have
            are  fielding  more  women                                                                                          done for the economy, es-
            and  minority  candidates                                                                                           pecially by passing tax cuts.
            than  ever,  while  Republi-                                                                                        “We really need people in
            cans are trying to hold their                                                                                       the  Congress  who  are  go-
            majority  with  mostly  white                                                                                       ing  to  speak  the  best  for
            men.                                                                                                                the people,” she said. Brat,
            The  disparity  highlights  a                                                                                       she  said,  “does  what  he
            trend that has been ampli-                                                                                          says he’s going to do.”
            fied  under  President  Don-                                                                                        Down  the  road  at  a  com-
            ald  Trump,  with  the  two                                                                                         munity  forum  with  Span-
            parties  increasingly  polar-                                                                                       berger,  optometrist  Lisa
            ized  along  gender  and                                                                                            Bennett said she wants law-
            racial  lines  as  much  as  by                                                                                     makers who listen to voters.
            issues.  The  result  is  that,  in                                                                                 “American    people    are
            an election season playing   In this Dec. 20, 2017 file photo, President Donald Trump speaks during an event on the South Lawn   frustrated,”  she  said,  re-
            out  against  the  backdrop   of the White House in Washington, to acknowledge the final passage of tax overhaul legislation   calling  the  protesters  who
            of  bomb  threats,  violence   by Congress.                                                                         confronted  senators  on
            and  a  charged  immigra-                                                                          Associated Press  Capitol  Hill  over  Brett  Ka-
            tion debate, the parties are  celebrated the passage of  “There’s  a  relatively  easy  gain  of  23  seats  to  win  vanaugh’s  confirmation  to
            presenting voters starkly dif-  tax  cuts  with  Trump  at  the  explanation — the Repub-  back  the  House  in  the  the  Supreme  Court.  “You
            ferent pictures of American  White House.                 lican Party over the past 20  election  on  Tuesday.  En-  shouldn’t  have  to  stand  in
            leadership.                  Meanwhile,  African-Amer-    years has become the par-    thusiasm  has  seemed  to  an elevator and yell at your
            Democrats  have  nominat-    ican,  Latino  and  Asian-   ty of white men,” he said. At  be on their side, especially  representative.”
            ed  more  than  180  female  American lawmakers make  the same time, “Democrats  in  fundraising,  but  it’s  un-   The diversity gap between
            candidates  for  the  House,  up  almost  half  the  House  have  come  to  be  seen  as  clear if that energy will be  the parties has been grow-
            a  new  record.  But  while  Democratic  caucus.  And  the party of minorities.”       enough to win districts that  ing  since  the  civil  rights
            voters  could  send  more  for  the  first  time,  less  than  Political   scientists   have  swung  to  Trump  in  2016  or  battles  of  the  1960s,  when
            than 100 of them to victory,  half  the  Democratic  can-  been  debating  whether  have  traditionally  favored  white voters shifted toward
            Republicans  could  have  didates  for  the  House  are  Congress’  low  approval  Republicans. The outcome  Republicans  and  the  par-
            fewer women than now in  white men, and the Demo-         rating — now 21 percent —  could hinge on the suburbs,  ty’s  support  from  African-
            their ranks next year due to  crats are poised to send the  has  something  to  do  with  where Democrats are hop-  Americans plummeted.
            retirements and tough rac-   first  Native  American  and  lawmakers  not  seeming  ing  that  a  voter  backlash  After  conducting  a  poll
            es,  according  to  election  Muslim-American  women  to  reflect  the  country  they  against  Trump  and  GOP  of  72  competitive  House
            analysts.  Overall,  nearly  9  to the House. It’s what the  represent,  said  Matt  Bar-  policies will help carry their  districts,  the  Cook  Politi-
            in  10  House  Republicans  Reflective      Democracy  reto,  a  professor  at  UCLA  candidates to victory.        cal  Report  and  LSU  Man-
            will be white men when the  Campaign  calls  a  “historic  who is also a pollster work-  One closely watched race  ship School said this year’s
            new Congress convenes in  shift.” After Tuesday’s elec-   ing to mobilize Latino voters  is outside of Richmond, Vir-  election  “feels  like  2010,
            January.                     tion,  it’s  likely  that  87  per-  this cycle. Overall, while the  ginia,  where  Republican  in  reverse.”  Almost  half  of
            The  racial  divide  is  even  cent of Republicans in the  House is closer to reflecting  Rep. Dave Brat, a one-time  Americans,   49   percent
            starker.   House   Republi-  House  will  be  white  men,  the makeup of the country,  tea  party  favorite,  is  fac-  “feel   frustrated”   about
            cans  now  count  just  over  compared  to  just  37  per-  which is still majority white,  ing  a  stiff  challenge  from  Trump’s  presidency.  That’s
            a dozen minority members,  cent  for  Democrats,  said  the  representation  is  lop-  political newcomer Abigail  the  same  share  who  said
            a  number  that’s  not  ex-  David  Wasserman,  who  sided between the parties.        Spanberger,  a  former  CIA  they  felt  frustrated  about
            pected  to  change  much  analyzes races for the Cook  “Everyone  wants  a  repre-     operative.                   President  Barack  Obama
            after the election. The lack  Political Report.           sentative  from  their  com-  Brat   was   campaigning  during that year’s midterm
            of  minorities  in  the  confer-  Marc  Hetherington,  a  pro-  munity to stand up for their  over  the  weekend  at  the  elections, when Democrats
            ence  comes  into  sharp  fessor  of  political  science  issues,” Barreto said. For the  Innsbrook  Pumpkin  Paloo-  lost the majority in a wave
            visual  focus  when  House  at  the  University  of  North  House, he said, “It’s the en-  za,  pausing  to  watch  a  election  fueled  by  con-
            Republicans  gather  in  a  Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill,  tire point: They’re represen-  pumpkin  catapult  as  he  servative  newcomers  ea-
            large  group,  as  they  did  said the trend began long  tatives.”                     mingled with voters. Trump  ger  to  confront  the  White
            last  December  when  they  before  this  year’s  election.  Democrats  need  a  net  supporter Jen Dodge from  House.q
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