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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 19 september 2018

            Reality show doc, woman charged

            with California drug rapes

            By JOHN ANTCZAK              tion  about  many  locations  who  began  an  investiga-
             Associated Press            and events associated with  tion.
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  A  Robicheaux and Riley.           Other  charges  against  the
            California  physician  who  The defendants, who were  two allege large amounts of
            appeared  in  a  reality  TV  released  on  $100,000  bail,  illegal drugs were found in
            dating  show  and  an  al-   could  not  be  immediately  Robicheaux's  residence  in
            leged  female  accomplice  reached for comment.           January  2018.  Robicheaux
            have  been  charged  with  The two women who were  is also accused of possess-         This undated booking photo provided by the Newport Beach,
            drugging  and  sexually  as-  allegedly  assaulted  met  ing two illegal, unregistered   Calif., Police Department shows Grant W. Robicheaux, 38, right,
            saulting  two  women,  and  the  pair  during  social  en-  assault rifles, four other fire-  a California doctor who appeared in a reality TV dating show
            authorities  said  Tuesday  counters.                     arms and several large-ca-   and  this  undated  booking  photo  provided  by  the  Newport
            there could be many more  "Women  who  have  en-          pacity magazines.q           Beach, Calif., Police Department shows Cerissa Laura Riley, 31,
            victims.                     countered these two might                                                                         Associated Press
            Orthopedic  surgeon  Grant  have  felt  a  false  sense  of
            W.  Robicheaux,  38,  of  security  due  to  the  fact
            Newport  Beach  and  Ce-     that  both  defendants  are
            rissa Laura Riley, 31, of Brea  clean  cut,  good-looking,"
            were arrested Sept. 12 after  Rackauckas said.
            being  charged  with  rape  "We  tend  to  trust  doctors
            by use of drugs, oral copu-  who  take  an  oath  to  do
            lation by anesthesia or con-  no  harm.  The  second  de-
            trolled substance, and oth-  fendant,  being  a  female,
            er  crimes,  Orange  County  is key. A woman purporting
            District Attorney Tony Rack-  to  be  his  girlfriend  clearly
            auckas told a news confer-   played a significant role in
            ence in Santa Ana.           disarming the victims, mak-
            Investigators  were  meticu-  ing  them  feel  comfortable
            lously going through "thou-  and safe," he said.
            sands  and  thousands  of  According  to  prosecutors,
            videos and images on Ro-     Robicheaux  and  Riley  met
            bicheaux's  phone,  many  a 32-year-old woman at a
            also  including  Riley,"  Rack-  Newport  Beach  restaurant
            auckas said.                 on  April  10,  2016,  invited
            Some videos show women  her to a party and then es-
            who  "appear  to  be  highly  corted her to Robicheaux's
            intoxicated  beyond  the  apartment  when  she  was
            ability  to  consent  or  resist,  intoxicated.
            and they're barely respon-   The pair allegedly gave the
            sive  to  the  defendant's  victim  multiple  drugs  and
            sexual advances. Based on  then sexually assaulted her
            this  evidence,  we  believe  while she was incapable of
            that  there  might  be  many  resisting.
            unidentified   victims   out  The  woman  called  police
            there," he said.             the next day, and a foren-
            The     district   attorney  sic  exam  found  multiple
            showed  reporters  video  of  controlled substances.
            Robicheaux  from  a  now-    On  Oct.  2,  2016,  the  de-
            canceled  Bravo  TV  show  fendants  allegedly  drank
            called  "Online  Dating  Ritu-  alcohol with another wom-
            als  of  the  American  Male"  an  at  a  Newport  Beach
            in an episode titled "Three's  bar  until  she  was  uncon-
            A Crowd."                    scious,  brought  her  to  Ro-
            "We  believe  the  defen-    bicheaux's apartment and
            dants used their good looks  sexually  assaulted  her.  The
            and charm to lower the in-   district   attorney's   office
            hibitions  of  their  potential  said  the  victim  awakened
            prey," Rackauckas said, re-  and screamed for help un-
            leasing an array of informa-  til a neighbor called police,
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