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AWEMainta Diaranson, 7 December 2016                                                                                                        11

        Parlamentario Clarisca Velasquez:

                  Trabao di tur

               trahadornan di

       Serlimar ta garantisa                                                                 AUCTION

                                                                                                ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba

                                                                                  THURSDAY DECEMBER 8, 2016

                                                                               On  Thursday December 8, 2016, at 11  AM, at the  Conference
                                                                               Room of the  Chamber  of  Commerce, Irausquin  Boulevard 10,
                                                                               Aruba, will be auctioned in public:

                                                                               1.  A residential house locally known as

                                                                                             MATADERA 10-B

                                                                               standing on a parcel of full ownership land, 536 m2 in size, situated
                                                                               at Matadera in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section L
                                                                               number 4450.

                                                                               Starting bid: Afl. 364.000,--

                                                                               2. A residential house locally known as

                                                                                                PICARON 8-W

       “POR a tuma nota cu trahadornan di Serlimar a                           standing  on  a  parcel of full property land, ca.  272 m2 in size,
       bay demostra dilanti Bestuurskantoor.                                   situated at Picaron in Aruba, being part of "Park Picaron", as further
       No sa si ta politicamente, pasobra e motibo cu a bay                    described in measure document CSCS 105-2004 dated Oktober 22,
       dilanti Bestuurskantoor no ta afecta e trahadornan                      2004, being a part of the parcel locally recorded as Third Division
       nan trabao den ningun sentido”, segun Parlamentario                     Section D number 1048.
       Clarisca Velasquez.
                                                                               Starting bid: Afl. 107.220,--
       “Si e trahadornan ta preocupa cu Serlimar ta bay                        3. A residential house locally known as
       perde placa e ora nan mester ta preocupa tambe cu
       no ta pueblo completo ta pagando pa piki sushi na
       cas y no laga sindicatonan instiga pueblo pa no paga                                   DE VUYST 113
       pa piki sushi. Y tampoco laga politiconan di oposicion
       instiga pueblo pa no paga pa piki sushi.                                standing on a parcel of public land, 610 m2 in size, situated in San
                                                                               Nicolas in Aruba, as further  described  in cadastral measure
                                                                               document no. 5 M 301/1998. The lease rights expire on August 7,
       E trahadornan por ta sigur cu nan trabao ta sigura.
       Cu tur desicion ta tuma lugar den consulta cu Gobi-                     2059.
       erno y gerencia di Serlimar. Cu Gobierno lo garantisa                   Starting bid: Afl. 133.956,--
       entrada pa e compania si e compania mes no logra
       esaki y cu tur e puntonan aki menciona lo wordo                      AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. Johnson, LL.M.
       ancra den conseho di Minister di diamars mainta”,                     The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
       e Parlamentario a mustra.                                            special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.
       “Gobierno ta buscando e solucion pa e dump exis-                    The auction  will take  place  by raising bids (in  Dutch:  “bij opbod”) and by
       tente na Parkietenbos y nos ta spera cu tur hende por               decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
                                                                            Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
       coopera pa esaki. Nos sa cu ela bira hopi molester pa               The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
       e habitantenan di vecindario y mester bin un solucion               Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable
       pronto. Y esaki Gobierno ta trahando riba dj’e.                      bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal
                                                                            to the auction costs.

       Trahadornan di Serlimar por ta sigur cu nan trabao
       ta sigura y no laga politica infiltra den esaki pa daña                  For more information:
       cos, pasobra no tin ningun motibo pa preocupa te
       hasta pa pone trabao abou”, Parlamentario Velasquez                      WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
       a declara.
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