Page 16 - FDLP
P. 16
Friday 27 September 2019
Planet in an Extra solar system will receive an Aruban name
ORANJESTAD — The In- The SNAF received its first of no more than 100 word.
ternational Astronomical assignment from the IAU The Deadline to give a
Union (IAU) is celebrat- and this is to come up with name to the planet and
ing 100 years of existence a scientific name for a solar its host star will be Octo-
thereof are having a year- system star; The WASP-39 ber 9th 2019. The group of
long celebration. The high- and its exoplanet WASP- judges consisting of a Lo-
light of this celebration will 39b. cal Glass Artist, an expert in
be the naming of several the language Papiamento
planets in the extra solar The SNAF would like to invite and two archeologist will
system. Several countries anyone interested to take be in charge of choosing
are participating and Aru- part of this. Use your cre- the best names according
ba is also part of this. ativity and help us come to the rules applied.
up with a typical Aruban
On the island of Aruba a Name for the Star and the On October 30th the select-
group of Astronomy en- Exoplanet. ed names will be posted
thusiasts came up with the There are rules applied to on the website where the
idea to start a foundation this process such as: public will be able to vote
to teach the Aruban com- • The proposed for their favorite name. On
munity about Astronomy names should be of things, November 13th the SNAF
and Nature. After some people, or places of long- will give the IAU the name
years doing astronomical standing cultural, histori- for WASP 39 and WASP 39-
event finally on July 28th of cal, or geographical signifi- b. This will be announced
2018 The Space and Nature cance, worthy of being as- globally with the other par-
Aruba Foundation (SNAF) signed to a celestial object. ticipating countries in De-
was established. • Two (2) names cember. After the Global
This of course brought should be proposed - one Announcement SNAF will
some international atten- (1) for the exoplanet and announce the first second
tion. SNAF was asked by one (1) for the star it orbits. and third price according
the IAU if they would like to • The two names to the votes.
become a National Out- should follow a common
reach coordinator for the naming theme. For more information on
IAU on the island, which off • The two names and this process and the rules
course the SNAF happily theme should be accom- please check out the web-
accepted. panied with an explana- site www.spacenaturearu-
tion of the chosen names q
From September 27-29:
Fitville- Aruba’s Largest Fitness
Competition at Betico Croes
Complex in Santa Cruz
SANTA CRUZ — The biggest
functional fitness compe-
tition will be taking place
this weekend September
27 through 29 at the Beti-
co Croes Sport Complex
in the heart of Santa Cruz.
There will be more than 160
athletes competing, half
of which are international
participants from countries games outside to keep ues on Sunday morning at
such as the USA, Sweden, them entertained. Eagle Beach, right next to
Netherlands, Colombia, The competition starts on Costa Linda. There will be
British Virgin Islands, Ven- Friday 5 PM with the first outdoor events for the ath-
ezuela, Suriname and Cu- event, followed by a pa- letes and afterward they
racao. rade of countries at 6.45PM. will finish their last workouts
Saturday morning starts in the Sports Complex.
During the event, there will bright and early with a trail There will be media present
also be a vendor village in run at the Bushiribana Gold from the USA to cover this
the Sports Complex with Mine Ruins, after which the event, well-known vloggers
different products as well athletes will move to the in the CrossFit community
as apparel. Outside there Renaissance Marketplace known as The Buttery Bros.
will be food trucks offer- for a quick workout. Entrance for the Betico
ing different dining options In the afternoon the ac- Croes events is just $3 for
throughout the weekend. tion continues at the Betico both days and all outdoor
For the children there will Croes Sport Complex. events are completely
be different activities and The competition contin- free.q