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LOCAL Tuesday 28 May 2019
Where Culture & Gastronomy meet:
Island Festival Aruba is waiting on YOU
SAN NICOLAS — Join us for the heart of San Nicolas thentic culture and island
this FREE "Island Fest" event. City where the sun rises and charm in one single event.
The Festivals 1st edition will the most spectacular mu-
kick off tomorrow, May rals are visible. Visitors will Visitors are welcomed to
29th, 2019 from 7-10pm in encounter the richest in au- explore the fully night with
live music, spectacular colorful art, spirited music,
historical show, local and rhythm & dance, and deli-
international gastronomy, cious food. Try the amazing
heritage and the kindness Lionfish platters or smoke
of locals. Singer Tommy BBQ or any other delicious
Lee will be performing our food offerings. Experience
National Anthem. This fam- the lively energy of Aruba
ily event takes place in the in the heart of San Nicolas.
last week of each month. You cannot miss this.
Please bring cash to pay
for your food and bever- For more information check
age. Aruba's culture and out the Facebook page Is-
heritage will come to life in land Festival Aruba.q