Page 21 - AHATA
P. 21

                   Tuesday 8 OcTOber 2019

            A Scientific journey across the island                                                                         Episode XXXVIII

               It was in the first week of January 1885; Aruba had received an in-
               teresting visitor in the person of a German Professor, Dr. K. Martin of
               the Leyden University who was a passionate Geologist with a spe-
               cial interest in moths and butterflies. He came for agro-geological
               research, but left a book of cultural- historical value and he was ac-
               companied by the students Van der Pol, De Haan and Molengraaff,
               and also by Professor Dr. Suringa. The island journey was planned to
               start on the 29th of January, at six o’clock in the morning. Professor
               Martin is the one who will narrate his adventure: “We were to depart,
               but  we  were  about  to  experience  that  time  is  something  scarce-
               ly heeded on Aruba for of the five donkeys and three servants we
               had managed to obtain with great difficulty the previous evening
               nothing was as yet to be seen. True, our guide gave himself every
               conceivable trouble to accelerate our journey, but only after the
               lapse of more than an hour was everything ready, the donkeys with
               their saddles and girths having meanwhile been wetted through by
               a sudden shower.”

            Past  Hooiberg  and  the  picturesque  fields  the  company  journeyed  to
            Santa Cruz, reaching the road via Spanish Lagoon in order to go from                                Horses bay 1885
            there to the extreme eastern point of the island, Ceru Colorado.
                                                                                    petrifactions. Behind this lagoon a few coconut trees offered a shady
            “For  a  considerable  time  masses  of  stone  having  the  height  of  good-  place of repose on the alluvial sol. But any attempt to lie down on the
            sized houses and consisting of heavy worn-off diorite rocks grayly striped   ground and stretch our limbs was prevented by the stony surface of this
            by the weather are the only objects arresting our attention in the midst   extremely thinly grown spot. Our boxes were taken off the donkeys, and
            of the high cacti surrounding them, for the sandy soil stretching between   we sat down on them whilst the animals were being watered, coconuts
            is very thinly covered with plants and its monotonous hue is rather enliv-  provided us with a refreshing beverage, the enjoyment of which was not
            ened by the bluish green backs of lizards than by any vegetation. Our   spoiled by our having procured them in an illicit manner. After scarcely
            eyes  are  aching  and  we  prefer  to  lift  our  glance  from  the  shade  less   an hour’s rest the insistent thought of the long distance we still had to
            road.”                                                                  cover made us rise again.”
                                                                                                                                       Continued on Page 15
            He continues his story: “About noon we arrived at Spanish Lagoon on
            the  south-west  coast  of  the  island,  where  we  encountered  numerous

                          Limestone hole and small channels and cavities                      Prof. Dr. K. Martin Director of National Museum of Geology
                                                                                                         and Minerology History 1878 1922
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