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Friday 20 January 2017
Legendary Donkey Walk Set For This Saturday!
BRINGAMOSA - On Satur- de. It is a lovely 5K walk (or
day, January 21, the Aruba a bit more). The route starts
Donkey Sanctuary holds at the new Donkey Sanctu-
its 12th annual fundraising ary at Bringamoso and par-
walk, which has almost be- ticipants are directed via
come legendary by now. Boton, Jan Flemming and
Together with donkeys Diva the Frenchman’s Pass back
and Igor, young and old to Bringamosa. Along the
walk, jog or run through the way there are volunteers
beautiful Aruban countrysi- handing out water or a soft
drink and at the finish there place starting at 4pm, both Donkey Sanctuary.
is the customary fruit, spon- at the new sanctuary at Should you need more in-
sored as always by Super Bringamosa. formation, please call the
Food. For just 10 florins you will be Sanctuary at 593-2933;
The start of the Walk is at athletically active and you everyone will be pleased
5pm; registration takes support the good job at the to hear or see you.