Page 14 - ARUBA BANK
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                 Wednesday 27 March 2019
            Global Money Week – Aruba

                                                                      ORANJESTAD  —  The  2nd  edition  of  Glob-  hunt at downtown San Nicolas. During the
                                                                      al  Money  week  Aruba  (GMW)  presented  scavenger hunt the school children will be
                                                                      by the Centrale Bank of Aruba is ready to  passing through 7 stations and learn, earn,
                                                                      start. This will take place from April 2nd un-  save, spend, share, innovate and discover.
                                                                      til April 5th, 2019. A total of 700 students will
                                                                      be taking part in this event where they will  The  Central  Bank  of  Aruba  joined  forces
                                                                      learn different financial topics in an inter-  with  different  financial  institutions  on  the
                                                                      active way.                                island to make this event possible: Aruba
                                                                                                                 Bank,  Banco  di  Caribe,  Caribbean  Mer-
                                                                      The topics are about our currency, the his-  cantile  Bank,  CIBC  First  Caribbean,  RBC,
                                                                      tory and characteristics of it, how to save,  Ennia,  Fundacion  Museo  Arubano,  FUTU-
                                                                      how to manage money responsibly, inno-     RA, IDEA, Guardian Group, Kiwanis Club of
                                                                      vative ideas and the importance of giving  Aruba, Setar and Qredits.
                                                                      back to the community. School children of
                                                                      the 5th and 6th grade of different elemen-  Follow the Facebook page Global Money
                                                                      tary  schools  will  undertake  a  scavenger  Week Aruba for more information. q
            Aruba Home Minders, Offers

            convenient, affordable

            alternatives for AirBnB

            ORANJESTAD  —  Homeowners  can  now  “Our slogan “Your Peace of Mind in Par-
            enjoy the many advantages of managing  adise” is more than a catchy phrase. It is
            their own rentals remotely while having the  our  mission  statement  and  what  I  have
            “peace of mind in paradise” that comes  built  my  business  on.”  Says  proprietor  Ju-
            with knowing their guests, and home are  dith Lembo. “The absentee and 2nd home
            being cared for by a friendly team of pro-  owner has always been the main focus of
            fessionals.                                my  business.  As  the  industry  evolves  and
                                                       the  needs  of  2nd  homeowners  in  Aruba
            Originally from the USA Judith Lembo es-   change  I  have  made  it  my  business  to
            tablished Aruba Home Minders NV in 2007  change  and  evolve  with  them.  The  AirB-
            as a full service Real Estate/ Property man-  nB  sector  is  growing  quickly  in  Aruba  &   standards remain high, the  age their own reservations
            agement company.                           it is very important for the island that the   homeowners are in compli-  but  need  a  helping  hand
                                                                                                   ance  with  local  tax  laws,  locally. Aruba Home Mind-
                                                                                                   the  homes  are  cared  for,  ers a la carte guest servic-
                                                                                                   and  above  all  the  guests  es include: Meet & Greet/
                                                                                                   have  a  wonderful  experi-  check in, check out & de-
                                                                                                   ence.”                       parture  inspection,  clean-
                                                                                                   In addition to the standard  ing & guest supplies, emer-
                                                                                                   Property     management  gency contact, registration
                                                                                                   and  Rental  services  that  & submission of monthly tax
                                                                                                   many  companies  offer  on  sheets.
                                                                                                   island,  Aruba  Home  Mind-
                                                                                                   ers  also  provides  flexible  For more information, testi-
                                                                                                   and  affordable  guest  ser-  monials, and a full list of ser-
                                                                                                   vice options. The a la carte  vices please contact Judy
                                                                                                   guest services are the per-  at:  info@arubahomemind-
                                                                                                   fect  solution  for  the  hands  or  by  phone  733-
                                                                                                   on  AirBnB/  vacation  rental  4663  Aruba/  973-988-4363
                                                                                                   owners who prefer to man-    USAq
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