Page 20 - AHATA
P. 20

                    Friday 26 OctOber 2018

            The haunted Lighthouse

            ORANJESTAD — Unique op-      tivities  celebrating  Hallow-
            portunity to celebrate Hal-  een  on  our  island.  One  of
            loween in Aruba this week-   those is a new event called
            end at the California Light-  The  Haunted  Lighthouse
            house  with  special  night  Experience. This is a unique
            viewing                      opportunity to climb up the
                                         Aruban  Lighthouse  at  sun-
            During  the  coming  days,  set  and  later  in  the  night.
            there  will  be  different  ac-  This  will  be  in  a  Halloween

                                                                      ambience with lots of dec-   can come to this event, so  reservations  at  6990995.
                                                                      orations and props. This will  it’s something that can be  Walk-ins are welcome, but
                                                                      be on Friday October 26th  done with the whole family,  reserved  spots  have  the
                                                                      and    Saturday   October  friends and/or colleagues.     preference.  A  small  fee  is
                                                                      27th, 2018 from 6:30 PM till  The  main  attraction  of  associated  to  the  experi-
                                                                      10:30 PM.                    course,  will  be  the  beauti-  ence.
                                                                                                   ful sightseeing of our coasts
                                                                      The  concept  of  this  event  and  our  city  from  the  top  Don’t miss out on this spook-
                                                                      is  that  inside  of  the  light-  of  our  monumental  light-  tacular Halloween event!
                                                                      house  will  be  completely  house.  Considering  that
                                                                      transformed for Halloween.  going  up  the  lighthouse  For  more  information  visit
                                                                      There  will  be  terrifying  ef-  has  limited  capacity,  it’s  their faceboook page Aru-
                                                                      fects  as  well.  One  and  all  recommendable  to  make  ba Walking Tours. q

                                                                                                   HAPPY 5TH Anniversary

                                                                                                   Robin & Dan

                                                                                                   ORANJESTAD — Robin and Dan love Aruba so much they
                                                                                                   decided to get married here back in 2013.  Here’s a spe-
                                                                                                   cial dedication from Robin to her beloved husband Dan

                                                                                                   10 years ago we started coming to Aruba! It became our
                                                                                                   “happy place” the very first time.
                                                                                                   This is our 20th trip to the island. So many amazing vaca-
                                                                                                   tions.  Sometimes  coming  with  family,  sometimes  friends
                                                                                                   and on occasion just the two of us.

                                                                                                   In  2012  you  asked  me  to  marry  you  while  on  vacation
                                                                                                   here. The next year in 2013 we returned with 60 plus fam-
                                                                                                   ily and friends to get married. That day will always be, the
                                                                                                   best day of my life!
                                                                                                   Now returning to Aruba to celebrate our 5 year Anniver-
                                                                                                   sary. Aruba welcomes us home once again; you are my
                                                                                                   sunshine, with you I am always home.

                                                                                                   Happy Anniversary
                                                                                                   All my love, All my life q
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