Page 22 - SJA
P. 22

                                                                                                                        Wednesday 8 March 2017

Participate With the Largest Volunteer Initiative in the Kingdom!

ORANJESTAD - On the 10th        years. Foundations and as-       Everyone who wants to be      highly of the initiative of het  tions that participated with
and 11th of March 2017,         sociations still have the time   part of the biggest volun-    OranjeFonds. Volunteers          CURA DOET also were very
the DOET initiatives will take  to register a project; from      teer initiative in the King-  who participated with BON        positive about their expe-
place once again. This          painting the community           dom and is willing to lend                                     rience: “Our activity was
initiative of OranjeFonds       centre and fixing the play-      a hand for (part) of a day    DOET stated that “it was         great. Much more fun than
started in the Netherlands      ground to organizing a fun       at a foundation, health in-   an effective way to help         we expected”, “it was so
with NLdoet. In partnership     day out for the elderly, ev-     stitution or association can  and a lot of fun” and that       nice to see our clients and
with local organizations on     erything is possible! Visit the  register to volunteer.        “families can also make it       colleagues working togeth-
all the islands, BON DOET,      websites of the different        By participating you get in-  a fun family day out”. The       er in the same uniform” and
ARUBA DOET, CURA DOET,          islands to confirm registra-     troduced to volunteer work    volunteers and organiza-         “the seniors of Ser’i Otro-
SXM DOET and STATIA DOET                                         in a fun and exciting way                                      banda were so happy with
have also been successful-      tion deadlines and all other     and you help an organiza-                                      their excursion to Banda
ly organized in these past      information.                     tion to get projects done.                                     Abou, many of them had
years. Volunteers are the                                        Volunteers can sign up for                                     not visited in a while”.
beating hearts of many so-                                       a project starting Janu-                                       Supported by Nationale
cial initiatives.                                                ary 2017. With the slogan                                      Postcode Lotterij, Neder-
OranjeFonds wants to show                                        “many hands make light                                         landselotterij, and gifts from
with the DOET campaign                                           work”, the DOET initiative                                     donors and companies,
how important active citi-                                       encourages people to also                                      OranjeFonds spends about
zens are for the community.                                      join forces together and
For foundations and asso-                                        sign up to volunteer togeth-                                   €30 million annually in di-
ciations, it is also a wonder-                                   er with family members,                                        rect financial contributions
ful opportunity to complete                                      colleagues, classmates or                                      to 9000 social initiatives
projects and engage new                                          members of a sport club.                                       in the Netherlands and in
volunteers with their orga-                                      Every year there are hun-                                      the Caribbean part of the
nization.                                                        dreds of organizations                                         Kingdom.q
                                                                 and volunteers who speak
And of course it under-
scores how much fun vol-
unteering can be!
Hundreds of projects are
implemented during two
days at foundations, health
institutions and associations
in the Netherlands and on
the 5 Caribbean islands. Ev-
eryone is invited to partici-
pate! In 2016, there were
more than500 projects
registered and more than
6000 people volunteered.
The organizations hope
that in 2017, there will be
even more projects and
volunteers than in previous
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