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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 12 March 2019
            Book casts welcome light on actress Vivien Leigh

            By DOUGLASS K. DANIEL        lar  disorder,  called  manic                                                          The  actress  who  played
            Associated Press             depression  in  her  day,  ex-                                                         two iconic Southerners was
            "Dark  Star:  A  Biography  of  plains in part her failings as                                                      born Vivian Mary Hartley in
            Vivien Leigh" (I.B. Tauris), by  a  wife  and  mother.  It  cer-                                                    Darjeeling,  British  India,  in
            Alan Strachan                tainly seems to have fueled                                                            1913, and was raised in Cal-
            Playing two of the greatest  her  drinking,  extramarital                                                           cutta. Her mother was also
            female  roles  ever  offered  affairs  and  occasionally                                                            India-born  and  perhaps  in
            in film — Scarlett O'Hara in  odd  behavior,  allowing                                                              a  mixed-race  family.  Her
            "Gone  with  the  Wind"  and  comparisons to the faded,                                                             father,  born  in  Scotland
            Blanche DuBois in "A Street-  shattered  Blanche  —  the                                                            while  his  Yorkshire  family
            car  Named  Desire"  —  has  performance  that  put  an                                                             was visiting, had moved to
            guaranteed  actress  Vivien  Oscar  next  to  the  one  for                                                         India and become wealthy
            Leigh  a  place  in  popular  Scarlett O'Hara.                                                                      as an exchange broker. An
            culture. Yet her stage work,  The  surprise  of  "Dark  Star"                                                       amateur  actor,  he  shared
            often  overlooked  by  her  is  that  Leigh's  life  doesn't                                                        his pastime with his daugh-
            film  fans,  may  have  been  appear  as  sunken  by  sad-                                                          ter  and  theater  became
            the  true  showcase  of  her  ness as it's been described                                                           her passion.
            talent.                      elsewhere. While not down-                                                             The  Hartleys  sent  6-year-
            Alan  Strachan,  a  director  playing the manic episodes                                                            old  Vivian  to  England  for
            and a chronicler of the Brit-  that  damaged  her  career                                                           a  Catholic  education.  Her
            ish theater, gives Leigh's full  — Elizabeth Taylor took over                                                       convent  education  con-
            career  a  stirring  reassess-  the film "Elephant Walk" fol-                                                       tinued  in  her  teens  with
            ment in an immensely read-   lowing a Leigh breakdown                                                               schools in France, Italy and
            able biography, "Dark Star."  —  Strachan  describes  the                                                           Germany. She was attend-
            He  argues  convincingly  good times, too. By his ac-                                                               ing the Royal Academy of
            that there was far more to  count  she  was  a  loving                                                              Dramatic  Arts  in  London
            Leigh than her mesmerizing  companion,  a  loyal  friend                                                            when she met a handsome
            beauty,  which  could  blind  and  a  generous,  amiable                                                            lawyer,   Leigh   Holman,
            critics to the power behind  colleague.  His  evidence                                                              whom she married in 1932.
            her performances.            comes  from  Leigh's  diaries                                                          Soon  a  mother,  she  went
            Strachan  also  pierces  the  and  letters  and  those  of   This cover image released by I.B. Tauris shows "Dark Star: A Biog-  on  to  seek  work  on  the
            darkness  that  never  left  relatives,  friends  and  col-  raphy of Vivien Leigh" by Alan Strachan.               stage and in film under the
            Leigh:  mental  illness.  Bipo-  leagues.                                                          Associated Press  name Vivien Leigh.q

             Devils, bandits romp at Carnival in Spanish towns

            By ALVARO BARRIENTOS                                                                                                local  Basque  language.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    After sunset, covering their
            ALSASUA,  Spain  (AP)  —                                                                                            faces  with  white  handker-
            Dozens  of  devil-like  figures                                                                                     chiefs,  stuffed  into  sacks
            dance and convulse at the                                                                                           full of straw, and holding a
            sound  of  cowbells,  chas-                                                                                         stick  with  an  inflated  ani-
            ing  onlookers  with  pitch-                                                                                        mal's  bladder  used  to  hit
            forks  in  Alsasua  as  part  of                                                                                    people,  the  Zaku  Zaharrak
            this northern Spanish town's                                                                                        characters   parade     for
            Carnival.                                                                                                           hours  through  the  village
            Alsasua is one of several vil-                                                                                      dancing  and  singing  while
            lages in this remote region                                                                                         a band plays music.
            in  the  foothills  of  Pyrenees                                                                                    Meanwhile,  the  townsfolk
            Mountains  that  still  honor                                                                                       of  the  village  of  Lantz  pa-
            these  colorful  local  fes-                                                                                        rade  a  giant  "Miel  Otxin",
            tivities  whose  origin  in  un-                                                                                    a  legendary  bandit  and
            known.                                                                                                              symbol of their Carnival fes-
            Called "momotxorros" in the                                                                                         tivities.  The straw filling the
            Basque  language,  these                                                                                            "Miel Otxin" doll is removed
            half-human  and  half-ani-                                                                                          and burnt.
            mal  creatures  display  the                                                                                        These traditions have been
            skin of sheep on their backs                                                                                        celebrated  for  centuries,
            and  white  long  pieces  of   ''Txatxus'' dance during an ancient rural carnival in the small Pyrenees village of Lantz, northern   days  before  the  official
            sheets  stained  with  bright-  Spain, Sunday, March 3, 2019.                                                       start of Lent, the 40-day pe-
            red  animal  blood  on  the                                                                        Associated Press  riod when Christians around
            front.                                                                                                              the world prepare to mark
            The heads are topped with  ebration.                      for a grand finale in which  the  devil  —  and  lascivious  Easter,  the  remembrance
            the  horns  of  a  bull  over  a  In  this  fashion,  the  "mo-  everyone  dances  in  a  big  "sorginak," or witches.  of Jesus' death. They were
            basket  normally  used  for  motxorros"  dance  around  circle.  By  then,  they  are  In  the  nearby  village  of  banned  during  the  1939-
            agricultural  produce,  and  bonfires and roam the cob-   joined  by  other  mythical  Lesaka,  residents  dress  up  1975  dictatorship  of  Gen.
            horsehair  covers  the  faces  bled streets of this town of  characters including a billy  as  the  traditional  Carnival  Francisco  Franco  in  Spain,
            of anonymous revelers tak-   7,500 until everybody con-   goat,  known  locally  as  an  characters "Zaku Zaharrak,"  but  have  been  revived
            ing  part  in  the  riotous  cel-  verges  in  a  central  square  "akerra"  —  representing  meaning  "old  sack"  in  the  since the early 1990s.q
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