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                    Wednesday 5 June 2019
            Perk up: California says coffee cancer risk insignificant

            By BRIAN MELLEY                                                                                                     has declared such a brew
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Cali-                                                                                        of  chemicals  safe  despite
            fornia  officially  gave  its                                                                                       the  presence  of  carcino-
            blessing to coffee Monday,                                                                                          gens, Delson said.
            declaring  the  beverage                                                                                            The     coffee     industry
            does  not  pose  a  "signifi-                                                                                       cheered the rule.
            cant" cancer risk.                                                                                                  "This  is  a  great  day  for  sci-
            The  rule,  proposed  a  year                                                                                       ence  and  coffee  lovers,"
            ago  by  regulators,  means                                                                                         said  William  Murray,  presi-
            coffee won't have to carry                                                                                          dent and chief executive of
            ominous  warnings  that  the                                                                                        the  National  Coffee  Asso-
            beverage may be bad for                                                                                             ciation USA. "With this news,
            you.                                                                                                                coffee drinkers around the
            The  state  took  the  rare                                                                                         world  can  wake  up  and
            move  after  a  Los  Ange-                                                                                          enjoy the smell and taste of
            les  judge  found  Starbucks                                                                                        their coffee without hesita-
            Corp.  and  other  compa-                                                                                           tion."
            nies  failed  to  show  that                                                                                        The  Council  for  Education
            benefits  from  drinking  cof-                                                                                      and  Research  on  Toxics,
            fee  outweighed  risks  from                                                                                        which  successfully  sued
            a byproduct of the roasting                                                                                         the  coffee  industry  in  a
            process.                                                                                                            case that has dragged on
            That ruling put the industry                                                                                        more  than  eight  years  in
            in  jeopardy  of  hefty  civil                                                                                      Los Angeles Superior Court,
            penalties  and  in  the  posi-                                                                                      will  challenge  the  validity
            tion  of  either  developing                                                                                        of  the  state's  regulation  in
            a  process  to  remove  the                                                                                         court, said attorney Rapha-
            chemical  or  warning  con-  This March 30, 2018 file photo shows a Proposition 65 warning sign behind a coffee mug at a Star-  el Metzger.
            sumers  about  the  risk  of   bucks coffee shop in Burbank, Calif.                                                 Metzger,  who  represents
            cancer.                                                                                            Associated Press   the  small  nonprofit  in  its
            The  chemical  in  question,                                                                                        lawsuit  against  Starbucks
            acrylamide, is on a list that  cals  that  cause  cancer  or  Health Organization review  cals that includes both car-  and about 90 coffee com-
            California says causes can-  birth  defects  must  warn  of more than 1,000 studies  cinogens  and  anti-carcin-    panies, said the regulation
            cer,  though  other  groups  consumers  about  those  and found inadequate evi-        ogens," said Sam Delson, a  was  adopted  in  violation
            classify  it  as  a  "probable"  risks.                   dence  that  coffee  causes  spokesman for the agency.  of state law and disregards
            carcinogen.                  The Office of Environmental  cancer. Further, it conclud-  "The  overall  effect  of  cof-  the  statutes  the  agency  is
            Under  a  law  passed  more  Health Hazard Assessment,  ed  coffee  reduces  the  risk  fee consumption is not as-  supposed  to  implement.
            than  three  decades  ago  which implements the law,  of some types of cancer.         sociated  with  any  signifi-  He said the regulation can't
            by  California  voters,  prod-  concluded  there  was  no  "Coffee  is  a  complex  mix-  cant cancer risk."        be applied retroactively to
            ucts  that  contain  chemi-  significant risk after a World  ture of hundreds of chemi-  It was the first time the state  nullify the judge's ruling.q

                                                                      U.S. scientist sounds warning

                                                                      on future Everest dangers

                                                                      By BINAJ GURUBACHARYA        it.                          global warming."
                                                                      Associated Press             "What  that  means  is  there  He  said  because  the  gla-
                                                                      KATHMANDU,  Nepal  (AP)  are  little  pieces  of  pollu-  ciers  are  getting  thinner
                                                                      —  Mount  Everest  and  its  tion  that  the  snow  is  form-  and  smaller,  it  is  making  it
                                                                      surrounding  peaks  are  in-  ing  around,  so  the  snow  is  more dangerous for climb-
                                                                      creasingly  polluted  and  actually trapping the pollu-   ers.
                                                                      warmer,  and  nearby  gla-   tion and pulling it down," All  The  team  had  been  plan-
                                                                      ciers  are  melting  at  an  said in Kathmandu, Nepal's  ning  to  climb  both  Everest
                                                                      alarming  rate  that  is  likely  capital.                and sister peak Lhotse, but
                                                                      to make it more dangerous  All  and  his  team  spent  crowding on Everest forced
            In this photo made on May 22, 2019, a long queue of mountain   for  future  climbers,  a  U.S.  weeks  testing  snow  on  them to change their plans.
            climbers line a path on Mount Everest.                    scientist  who  spent  weeks  Everest and its surrounding  They  climbed  up  to  the
                                                     Associated Press   in  the  Everest  region  said  peaks, as well as plants on  last  camp  at  8,000  meters
                                                                      Tuesday.                     the foothills.               (26,240 feet), the last point
                                                                      Prof.  John  All  of  Western  "The warming temperature  the  two  mountains  share,
                                                                      Washington  University  said  is melting the glaciers and  and only  reached the top
                                                                      after  returning  from  the  the  snow  around  Mount  of Lhotse.
                                                                      mountains  that  he  and  his  Everest  very  quickly,  so  Hundreds  of  climbers  had
                                                                      team  of  fellow  scientists  what  happens  is  even  lined  up  on  May  22  and
                                                                      found there was lot of pol-  when  there  is  a  storm  it  23  to  attempt  to  reach
                                                                      lution  buried  deep  in  the  melts in a couple of hours,"  Everest's  summit,  creating
                                                                      snow,  and  that  the  snow  he said.                     a  traffic  jam  that  is  being
                                                                      was  surprisingly  dark  when  "The glaciers are retreating  blamed  for  the  deaths  of
                                                                      they processed and filtered  dramatically  because  of  several climbers.q
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