P. 26

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Wednesday 24 OctOber 2018
                                                                                                                                         527 4000
                                                                        Resale Marriott Surf and   Renaissance Suites                Imsan- San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                         524 8833
                                                                        Ocean Club                 1 br WK #41 rM # 2517 POV
                                                                        all season , all size Of room,   $5500                     DOCTOR ON DUTY
                                                                        all View, Prices 70% off the   1 br WK #42 rM # 2501 POV
                                                                        rack rate                  $5500                               Oranjestad
                                                                        call:630-1307              Costa Linda Beach Resort     Dr. Anthony    Tel. 585 8017
                                                                   2 br WK # 43 room # 2010 OV        San Nicolas
                                                                        _________________________________210273  $8500          Dr. Tromp     Tel. 584 7224
                                                                                                   call:630-1307                Women in Difficulties
                                                                        For Rent                PHARMACY ON DUTY
                                                                        Marriott Ocean Club 2019                                Oranjestad:
                                                                        1 br OV 5/12 Jan           _________________________________210273  Maria Tel. 585 5513
                                                                        12/19 Jan,10/17 Febr ,     Halley Time Travel Aruba     San Nicolas
                                                                        11/18 Febr,16/23 Febr ,    Own a Piece Of the rock      Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
            In this Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2018, file photo, Alex Jones, the right-  24/3 March,12/19,30/6 april,  real Value real estate   Women in Difficulties
            wing conspiracy theorist, walks the corridors of Capitol Hill after   6/13 april,12/19 april,  no Hurricanes, no Humidity  OTHER
            listening to testimony on Capitol Hill in Washington.       call:630-1307              33 years experience          Dental Clinic 587 9850
                                                     Associated Press     call:630-1307                Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
                                                                                                                                Mobility Equip . Gire
            Twitter removes accounts                                    _________________________________210273  568 5165
                                                                                                                                Urgent Care 586 0448
                                                                        La Cabana B&C
            linked to Alex Jones,                                       1 br WK #41 room #139 a    ASSOCIATED REALTORS          Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                   For Sale
            Infowars                                                    stu    WK #41 room #139 b   Lot of long lease land of 1015   Police         100
                                                                                                                                                  527 3140
                                                                                                   m2 situated at Palm beach and
                                                                        1 br  WK #43 room #222     for $84,000                  Noord             527 3200
                                                                                                                                                  527 2900
                                                                                                                                Sta. Cruz
            By The Associated Press      eos that violated its policy   c$4500                     call Mito at 593 6318        San  Nicolas      584 5000
            Twitter  has  removed  some  against abusive behavior.      call:630-1307              _________________________________210271  Police Tipline      11141
            accounts  thought  to  be  The  ban  underscored  the     MUST GO!                     Ambulance
            used to circumvent a ban  difficulty  many  social-me-      _________________________________210273  TIMESHARE FOR SALE  Fire Dept.      115
                                                                                                                                Red Cross
                                                                                                                                                  582 2219
            on      conspiracy-monger  dia  services  face  in  trying   ASSOCIATED REALTORS       Renaissance Aruba
            Alex  Jones  and  Infowars,  to  consistently  apply  their                            Wk27 - Unit 2120 Price $1,975  TAXI SERVICES
            the company said Tuesday.    rules  against  harassment     For Sale                   Wk34 - Unit 2123 Price $1,975  Taxi Tas     587 5900
                                                                        Gorgeous two story house on a
            A  Twitter  spokesman  con-  and  other  bad  behavior.     hill with ocean/country view in   call us at 737 3006   Prof. Taxi     588 0035
            firmed  that  the  accounts  It  was  also  likely  from  the   Paradera, 3 bedrooms/ 3 bath-  _________________________________210275  Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
            had  been  removed  but  start that Jones and his sup-      rooms for $470,000                                      Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
            provided    no   additional  porters would find ways to     call Mito at 593 6318 for more                          A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            comment.  The  company  get around Twitter's ban by         details                                                 TRAVEL INFO
            says it usually does not dis-  setting  up  new  accounts
            cuss specific accounts.      or posting from existing ac-   _________________________________210271                 Aruba Airport   524 2424
            Twitter  permanently  sus-   counts  that  were  not  part   ASSOCIATED REALTORS                                    American Airlines 582 2700
                                                                                                                                              588 0059
            pended      @realalexjones  of the initial purge.           For Sale                                                Aruba Airlines  583 8300
            and @infowars from Twitter  As  of  Tuesday  afternoon,     family house with three                                 Jet Blue      588 2244
            and Periscope in early Sep-  an account for Alex Jones      bedrooms and two bathrooms                              Surinam       582 7896
            tember,  later  than  many  podcasts  was  still  up  on    situated at Washington on                               Venezolana    583 7674
            other tech companies such  Twitter,  as  was  another       property land and reduced to                            Women in Difficulties
            as Apple and Facebook. It  called        "InfowarsFeed"     $205,000.                                               CRUISES
            said it based that action in  that  hasn't  tweeted  since   call Mito at 593 6318
            reports  of  tweets  and  vid-  2008.q                      _________________________________210271

                                                                        Time share For Sale
                                                                        weeks 40 & 41
                                                                        Paradise beach Villa                                    October 24
                                                                        2 bedr town house with  2 bath-                         Monarch
                                                                        rooms, 2 balconies & full kitchen                       Freedom of the seas
                                                                                                                                October 25
                                                                        saturday check in $5400 / each                          carnival Horizon
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                        call:630-1307                                           AID FOUNDATIONS
                                                                                                                                FAVI- Visually Incapasitated
                                                                        _________________________________210173                 Tel. 582 5051
                                                                        Costa Linda Beach Resort
                                                                        2br POV Week#41&42                                      Alcoholics Anonymous
                                                                        room1023 $9500 each                                     Tel. 736 2952
                                                                        call: 630 1307/918 385 1116                             Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583 8989
                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583 5400
                                                                        _________________________________210276                 Centre for Diabetes
                                                                        TREMENDOUS DEALS                                        Tel. 524 8888
                                                                        Renaissance Aruba                                       Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 4433
                                                                        Wk32 - Unit 2332 Price $2,750
                                                                        Wk33 - Unit 2332 Price $2,750                           Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                        Wk34 - Unit 2136 Price $2,750                           General Info
                                                                        call us at 737 3006
                                                                                                                                Phone Directory Tel. 118
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