Page 11 - HOH
P. 11
Archaic Aruba
Episode VI
February 19, 2019
T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044
Page 13
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Protests slam Trump’s
declaration as states
ready lawsuit
NEW YORK (AP) — Protesters around the U.S. spent Presi-
dents Day rallying against President Donald Trump’s na-
tional emergency declaration as at least a dozen states
planned a lawsuit to block Trump’s latest ploy to fund his
long-promised border wall.
“Trump is the national emergency!” chanted a group
of hundreds lined up Monday at the White House fence
while Trump was out of town in Florida.
Some held up large letters spelling out “stop power grab.”
In downtown Fort Worth, Texas, a small group carried
signs with messages including “no wall! #FakeTrumpEmer-
Carolyn Hursh, right, and Joey Daniel, carry a sign during a protest with others in downtown Fort
Continued on Page 3 Worth, Texas, Monday, Feb. 18, 2019. Associated Press