P. 13
Diabierna, 6 October 2018 AWEMainta 13
E di dos edicion di ‘Rosé All Day’
lo ta riba Renaissance Island
On November 8, 2018, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the Chamber of
Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public, ex. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil Code
of Aruba:
1. A residential house locally known as
standing on 2 parcels of public land, 368 and 384 m2 in size, situated in
Rooi Afo in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section P number 657.
The term of the lease rights will expire on October 21, 2037.
Starting price: to be announced
Un djis ta e momento pa lo ricibi un back-pack cu
presenta un otro ‘Rosé nan Rosé cup, un cooler-
All Day’. E prome edi- bag y tambe un blanket’.
cion di ‘Rosé All Day’ a E biaha aki lo tin dife- 2. A residential house locally known as
tuma luga aña pasa den rente food station presen-
Wilhelmina Park y a re- ta dor di restaurantnan TEBENKI 15
sulta un evento masha di Renaissance Aruba
innovativo. Amantenan Resort & Casino. Entre
di biña ta bini hunto pa nan, Fresco, Aquarius, standing on a parcel of property land ca. 726 m2 is size, being a part of the
un atardi di relax, bon LG Smith’s Steak & parcel locally recorded as First Division Section K number 1591, with index
musica, amistad y dushi Chop House y tambe Pa- D13205.
Rosé. E di dos edicion di pagayo. Lo presenta un
‘Rosé All Day’ lo tuma bar di Arion Wine Com- Starting price: to be announced
luga e aña aki dia 20 di pany cu lo ofrece Relax
october na Iguana Beach Pink Rose, The Palm
riba Renaissance Island. by Whispering Angel,
Whispering Angel y tam- 3. a residential house locally known as
Di acuerdo cu represent- be Champagne Bollinger
antenan di Renaissance Rose. Un biaha mas a PAPILON 23
Aruba Resort & Casino e corda riba tur detaye pa
concepto ‘Rosé All Day’ haci e di dos edicion di standing on a parcel of property land, ca. 875, being a part of the parcel as
mester a prueba su mes ‘Rosé All Day’ special. further described in cadastral measure document no. 16/1959, with index D
aña pasa y el a haci esaki Unabes eynan tur hende 92871 as well as a parcel of property land, ca. 221 m2, being a part of the
tambe. E aña aki ta eleva lo ricibi nan pakete y por parcel as further described in cadastral measure document no. 221/1971, with
experiencia di e bishi- acomoda riba e beach. index D 96005
tante aun mas dor di bay Lo tin presentacion di
Iguana Beach na Renais- Joyride Band y diferente Starting price: to be announced
sance Island. Ta agrega e DJ.
‘boat trip’ pa e isla pri-
va, tambe presentacion Carchinan ya ta na benta AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. Johnson, LL.M.
di un banda, diferente na e navigator desk situa
DJ y un escenario cu lo den lobby di Renaissance • The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
wordo construi parcial- Marina Hotel y Renais- special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.
mente den lama. Esaki sance Ocean Suites pa Johnson.
ta duna e ‘Rosé All Day’ unicamente $40 incluy- • Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
un accento autentico endo e back-pack, cooler- • The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
di Aruba, probechando bag, un blanket’ y tambe • Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable
e biento suave y e relax $10 wine credit. Pa mas bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount
na beach. Ta sigur cu e informacion di ‘Rosé equal to the auction costs.
edicion aki di ‘Rosé All All Day’, por yama • A private written bid can be submitted until October 24, 2018, 5 PM.
Day’ lo ta excitante pa e 5236115 of bishita e pa-
turista, pero tambe pa e gina di facebook di Re-
propio local. naissance Aruba Resort For more information:
Check bo carchi awe & Casino. Dresscode pa e
mes! evento aki lo ta blanco of WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
Na yegada tur bishitante ros.