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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 5 sepTember 2019

            Indonesian human rights lawyer accused of inciting protests

            Associated Press                                                                                                    local  Indonesian  people
            JAKARTA,  Indonesia  (AP)                                                                                           in  Surabaya  to  besiege  a
            —  Indonesian  police  on                                                                                           dormitory  where  Papuan
            Wednesday  accused  a                                                                                               students stayed after a torn
            human  rights  lawyer  of                                                                                           Indonesian flag was found
            spreading  information  on                                                                                          in  a  sewer.  Several  po-
            Twitter  that  incited  vio-                                                                                        lice and soldiers have also
            lent  protests  in  the  restive                                                                                    been suspended while be-
            Papua  region,  in  a  deci-                                                                                        ing  investigated  for  alleg-
            sion that a rights group said                                                                                       edly insulting the students.
            was an appalling attack on                                                                                          Police have arrested more
            freedom of expression.                                                                                              than  40  people  suspected
            East Java police chief Luki                                                                                         of taking part in violent pro-
            Hermawan  said  Veronica                                                                                            tests in the region.
            Koman intentionally spread                                                                                          Wiranto,  the  coordinating
            information   about     the                                                                                         minister of politics, law and
            harsh arrests of 43 Papuan                                                                                          security,  said  Wednesday
            students  at  a  dormitory  in                                                                                      that  at  least  four  civilians
            East  Java’s  Surabaya  city                                                                                        and a soldier were killed in
            through  her  Twitter  ac-                                                                                          the protests in Papua prov-
            count,  sparking  protests  in                                                                                      ince.  Several  government
            West  Papua  and  Papua                                                                                             buildings,  offices,  shops,
            provinces.                                                                                                          cars  and  gas  station  were
            “She  was  very  active  in   Papuan  students,  with  their  body  and  face  painted  with  the  colors  of  the  banned  separatist   burned.
            spreading      provocative   ‘Morning Star’ flag, shout slogans during a rally in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia, Saturday,   Wiranto,  who  uses  one
            news,”  Hermawan  said  at   Aug. 31, 2019.                                                                         name,  said  the  situation  is
            a news conference.                                                                                 Associated Press  now under control despite
            Koman, who has provided  the  Indonesian  State  Intel-   calling  Papuan  students  human      rights   violations  small protests in some plac-
            legal  aid  to  many  Pap-   ligence  Agency  and  Inter-  “monkeys”  and  “dogs”  in  related  to  Papua,”  the  es.
            uan  political  activists  and  pol in tracking her location.  Surabaya, Indonesia’s sec-  group’s  executive  director  Conflicts  between  indig-
            documented human rights  Police  believe  she  is  cur-   ond largest city.            for  Indonesia,  Usman  Ha-  enous  Papuans  and  Indo-
            violations  in  Papua,  could  rently abroad.             Human  rights  group  Am-    mid, said in a statement.    nesian  security  forces  are
            face  up  to  six  years  in  jail  Thousands   of   Papuans  nesty  International  con-  He  called  on  Indonesian  common  in  the  impover-
            and a fine of 1 billion rupi-  have   demonstrated    in  demned  the  accusations  authorities  to  immediate-     ished Papua region, which
            ah ($70,700) if found guilty  the  past  week  for  the  re-  against  Koman  as  an  at-  ly  drop  the  accusations  Indonesia   took   control
            under  Indonesia’s  criminal  gion’s  independence  and  tack on freedom of expres-    against Koman.               more  than  half  a  century
            code  and  electronic  in-   against  racist  remarks  by  sion and a brazen attempt  National police spokesman  ago.  It  was  formally  incor-
            formation  and  transaction  security forces. The protests  to silence a brave activist.  Dedi  Prasetyo  earlier  said  porated into the country in
            law.                         were  triggered  by  videos  “These charges are clearly  that  police  also  arrested  1969 after a U.N.-sponsored
            Hermawan  said  police  will  circulated  on  the  internet  intended  to  deter  others  an Indonesian woman and  ballot  that  was  seen  as  a
            request  assistance  from  showing      security   forces  from  speaking  out  against  man  accused  of  inciting  sham by many.c

            Japan briefs diplomats to wipe

            Fukushima nuke water concerns

            By MARI YAMAGUCHI            Ministry,  where  Japanese  raise safety questions amid
            Associated Press             officials stressed the impor-  tensions  with  Japan  that
            TOKYO (AP) — Japan tried  tance of combating rumors  have intensified over trade
            to  reassure  foreign  diplo-  about  safety  at  the  plant,  and  history.  South  Korea
            mats  Wednesday  about  which  was  decimated  by  was  among  those  repre-
            safety at the crippled Fuku-  the  2011  earthquake  and  sented  at  Wednesday’s
            shima  nuclear  plant  amid  tsunami,  while  pledging  briefing.                      This  Jan.  25,  2019,  file  photo  shows  water  tanks  containing
            concerns  about  massive  transparency.                   The  water  has  been  a     contaminated  water  that  has  been  treated  at  the  Fukushima
            amounts of treated but ra-   The  plant’s  operator,  To-  source  of  concern,  spark-  Dai-ichi  nuclear  plant  in  Okuma  town,  Fukushima  prefecture,
            dioactive  water  stored  in  kyo  Electric  Power  Co.,  or  ing  rumors  about  safety,   northeastern Japan.
            tanks.                       TEPCO, said last month that  especially as Japan tries to                                         Associated Press
            Diplomats  from  22  coun-   it would run out of storage  get  countries  to  lift  restric-  ahead  of  the  2020  Tokyo  countries  and  regions,  in-
            tries and regions attended  space for the water in 2022,  tions  on  food  imports  from  Olympics.  Import  restric-  cluding  South  Korea  and
            a  briefing  at  the  Foreign  prompting  South  Korea  to  in  and  around  Fukushima  tions are still in place in 22  China.q
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