P. 2
Wednesday 14 august 2019
Continued from Front said.
West Virginia Attorney Gen- The lawsuit was filed by at-
eral Patrick Morrisey, whose torneys general in Califor-
state produced the second nia, Colorado, Connecti-
most coal behind Wyoming cut, Delaware, Hawaii,
in 2017, predicted the law- Maine, Maryland Massa-
suit will ultimately fail at the chusetts, Michigan, Min-
U.S. Supreme Court, which nesota, New Jersey, New
stayed an earlier Obama Mexico, New York, North
administration attempt in Carolina, Oregon, Pennsyl-
2016 at the request of a vania, Rhode Island, Ver-
competing 27-state coali- mont, Virginia, Washington,
tion. Wisconsin and the District
He called the lawsuit a "big of Columbia.
government 'power grab'" "The science is indisputable;
and argued that the Dem- our climate is changing. Ice
ocratic attorneys general caps are melting. Sea lev-
"are dead wrong" in their els are rising. Weather is be-
interpretation of the Clean coming more and more ex-
Air Act. treme," New York Attorney
The U.S. EPA and White General Letitia James, who
House issued similar state- is leading the coalition,
ments saying they expect said in a statement. "Rath-
the new version to survive er than staying the course California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, left, flanked by California Gov. Gavin Newsom, dis-
cusses the lawsuit the state has joined in with 21 other Democrat-led states against the Trump
the court challenge, unlike with policies aimed at fixing administration over its decision to ease restrictions on coal-fired power plants.
the Obama-era rules. the problem and protect- Associated Press
"Unlike the previous ad- ing people's health, safety,
ministration, which crafted and the environment, the die each year by 2030 be- was expected to eliminate duced power plant emis-
a far-reaching, burden- Trump Administration re- cause of additional air pol- as much climate change sions by more than 50 per-
some, and unlawful rule pealed the Clean Power lution from the power grid. pollution as is emitted by cent. California's power
that would have raised Plan and replaced it with But EPA Administrator An- more than 160 million cars grid used more energy from
energy costs on hardwork- this 'Dirty Power' rule." drew Wheeler in June said a year, the equivalent of non-greenhouse gas sourc-
ing American families, the The states were joined by Americans want "reliable 70 percent of the nation's es like wind and solar pow-
Trump Administration's Af- six local governments: Boul- energy that they can af- passenger cars, and was er in 2017 than from elec-
fordable Clean Energy der, Colorado; Chicago, ford," adding he expected projected to prevent up to tricity generated by fossil
(ACE) Rule responsibly pro- Los Angeles, New York City, more coal plans to open as 3,600 additional deaths an- fuels for the first time since
tects our clean air, reduces Philadelphia and South Mi- a result. nually. Newsom and James the California Air Resourc-
greenhouse gases, pro- ami, Florida. "It's more of a fossil fuel pro- said states' existing efforts es Board began keeping
tects jobs, and keeps costs The EPA's analysis of the tection plan," California to reduce greenhouse gas- track. The board also found
affordable," White House new rules predicts an ex- Attorney General Xavier es are beginning to work that pollution from trans-
spokesman Judd Deere tra 300 to 1,500 people will Becerra said. while creating green jobs portation did not rise as fast
It would replace the Clean and vibrant economies. as in previous years, and
Power Plan, which would In the Northeast, 10 states reported that 2017 was the
require cutting emissions including New York formed second straight year emis-
fossil fuel-burning power the Regional Greenhouse sions fell below the state's
plants. Becerra said that Gas Initiative that has re- 2020 target.q
Pew survey: 60% in U.S. hold dim
view of China amid trade war
By PAUL WISEMAN digit concern. growing economy is a bad
AP Economics Writer The Trump administration thing for the United States,
WASHINGTON (AP) — Rising and Beijing have been compared with 50% who
tensions over trade have clashing for more than a called it a good thing. Re-
dimmed Americans' opin- year over allegations that spondents were far more
ions of China. China steals trade secrets, worried about China's rising
A new Pew Research Cen- pressures foreign compa- military power: 81% said it
ter poll finds that 60% say nies to hand over technol- was bad, 11% good.
they have an unfavorable ogy and unfairly subsidizes Half said they had no con-
view of China — up from the country's own compa- fidence in President Xi Jin-
47% last year to the high- nies. ping, the same as last year.
est proportion since Pew President Donald Trump In addition to being locked
started asking the question has imposed tariffs on $250 in a trade war with Trump,
14 years ago. billion in Chinese goods Xi has overseen a crack-
The survey results being and has said that on Sept. down on dissent in China
released Tuesday found 1, he will tax the $300 billion and a more combative for-
that 24% of Americans re- in Chinese imports that he eign policy in East Asia.
gard China as America's has so far spared. In retali- Americans 50 and older
top threat for the future, ation, China has imposed were most likely to hold
the same percentage that tariffs on $110 billion in U.S. negative views of China
said so of Russia. North Ko- products. Still, the poll finds (67%, compared with 58%
rea (12 was the only other that only 41% of Ameri- of those ages 30-49 and
country to draw double- cans believe that China's 49% of those 18-29).q