P. 32

                Wednesday 14 august 2019
            Greta Thunberg's sailing adventure no pleasure cruise

            By JO KEARNEY and DANI-                                                                                             then,  she's  met  the  pope,
            CA KIRKA                                                                                                            spoken  at  Davos  and  at-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tended anti-coal protests in
            PLYMOUTH,  England  (AP)                                                                                            Germany. She is now taking
            —  Greta  Thunberg's  two-                                                                                          a year off school to attend
            week voyage to the United                                                                                           the  events  in  North  and
            States  will  be  no  pleasure                                                                                      South  America  and  meet
            cruise.                                                                                                             with  some  of  the  people
            The  16-year-old  climate                                                                                           most  affected  by  climate
            change  activist  who  has                                                                                          change.  She  decided  not
            inspired  student  protests                                                                                         to fly to New York because
            around the world will leave                                                                                         of the emissions caused by
            Plymouth,  England,  later                                                                                          air travel and plans to use
            this  week  bound  for  New                                                                                         the  least  carbon-intensive
            York in a high-tech but de-                                                                                         methods of travel available
            cidedly  low-comfort  sail-                                                                                         as she continues her trip.
            boat.                                                                                                               "By this journey I hope to in-
            Highlighting  the  urgency                                                                                          crease  awareness  among
            of  cutting  carbon  emis-                                                                                          people, to spread informa-
            sions, the young Swede last                                                                                         tion and communicate the
            month  announced  that                                                                                              science about what is real-
            while  she  would  not  fly  to                                                                                     ly going on so people can
            environmental  conferenc-                                                                                           understand  what  is  really
            es, she'd found a way to get                                                                                        going  on  with  the  climate
            there  without  hurting  the                                                                                        and  ecological  crisis,"  she
            planet. Pierre Casiraghi, the   Greta Thunberg poses for a picture on the boat Malizia as it is moored in Plymouth, England Tues-  said. "That is what I am hop-
            grandson of Monaco's late    day, Aug. 13, 2019.                                                                    ing  to  achieve  with  every-
            Prince Rainier III and Ameri-                                                                      Associated Press  thing and that will also lead
            can  actress  Grace  Kelly,                                                                                         to international opinions so
            and fellow yachtsman Boris  Casiraghi steering the craft.  hard."                      atmospheric    carbon    is  that people come togeth-
            Herrmann offered her pas-    He described life on board  Casiraghi  and  Herrmann's  changing the oceans.           er and put pressure on the
            sage on a racing yacht as  as  a  mixture  of  camping  Team Malizia was founded  Thunberg became a glob-           people  in  power  so  that
            she  travels  to  U.N.  climate  and sailing, with a thin mat-  to  sail  the  biggest  ocean  al celebrity last year when  they will have to do some-
            summits next month in New  tress and sleeping bag the  races — the Vendee Globe  she refused to go to school  thing."
            York and in Santiago, Chile,  only comforts.              2020 and The Ocean Race  in  the  weeks  before  Swe-     Rising levels of greenhouse
            in December.                 "It's  a  very  simple  life  and  2021. They also developed  den's  general  election  to  gases,  primarily  carbon  di-
            "It's not very luxurious, it's not  then  the  rest  of  the  day  the  Malizia  Ocean  chal-  highlight the impact of cli-  oxide, are already increas-
            very fancy but I don't need  depends on the wind," Her-   lenge, a science and edu-    mate  change  and  to  put  ing  global  temperatures,
            that. I need only a bed and  rmann  told  the  AP.  "It  can  cation  project  aimed  at  pressure  on  politicians  to  according  to  the  UN.  This
            just the basic things," Thun-  be  calm  and  smooth  and  teaching  children  about  do something about it. She  will  lead  to  shifting  weath-
            berg  told  The  Associated  going  along  and  you  can  climate  change  and  the  continued her school strike  er  patterns  that  threaten
            Press.    "So  I  think  it  will  be  read  a  book,  or  it  can  be  ocean. Their vessel has an  on  Fridays  after  the  elec-  food production and rising
            fun, and I also think it will be  really  rough  and  you  hold  onboard  sensor  that  mea-  tion,  spurring  thousands  of  sea levels, though scientists
            fun to be isolated and not  on and try to fight seasick-  sures  CO2  levels  in  sea-  young  people  around  the  hope that by curbing emis-
            be so limited."              ness  and  can  be  really  water,  a  measure  of  how  world  to  follow  suit.  Since  sions  catastrophic  conse-
            Sailing   on   the   60-foot                                                                                        quences can be avoided.
            (18-meter)  Malizia  II,  outfit-                                                                                   Thunberg  will  be  accom-
            ted  with  solar  panels  and                                                                                       panied  on  her  trans-Atlan-
            underwater    turbines   to                                                                                         tic  voyage  by  her  father,
            generate  electricity,  Thun-                                                                                       Svante, and filmmaker Na-
            berg will make a zero-car-                                                                                          than  Grossman  of  B-Reel
            bon trans-Atlantic journey.                                                                                         Films,  who  will  document
            But to call it a no-frills pas-                                                                                     the  journey.  She's  brought
            sage  would  be  an  under-                                                                                         audiobooks and has note-
            statement.  The  sailboat  is                                                                                       books to fill.
            built  for  high-speed,  off-                                                                                       Beyond  that,  everything
            shore  racing,  with  weight                                                                                        depends on the wind.
            kept  to  a  minimum.  The                                                                                          The Atlantic Ocean in hur-
            only alterations for the voy-                                                                                       ricane  season  can  be  a
            age  are  fitting  curtains  in                                                                                     rocky   place.   Herrmann
            front of the bunk and add-                                                                                          plans  a  southern  route
            ing mattresses for comfort.                                                                                         since three of the five sail-
            There  is  no  toilet  or  fixed                                                                                    ors  on  board  have  no  ex-
            shower. There's a small gas                                                                                         perience. During a trial run
            cooker and the food will be                                                                                         in  the  Bay  of  Plymouth  on
            freeze dried.                                                                                                       Monday,  Thunberg  said
            Inside, the yacht resembles                                                                                         she  was  seasick  for  "five
            the interior of a tin can. It is                                                                                    minutes"  when  the  boat
            dark and gray, with no win-                                                                                         stood  still."Of  course,  I  will
            dows below deck.             A view below deck of the boat Malizia, with a sleeping bunk shown on the left side, in Plymouth,   be  a  little  bit  seasick,"  she
            Herrmann, who is skippering   England Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019.                                      Associated Press  said. "But I don't think I will
            the boat, will take turns with                                                                                      be very seasick."q
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