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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Thursday 15 augusT 2019

            Continued from Front         ages and employment his-
            He said in a statement that  tories.
            his  agency  "is  tasked  with  According  to  a  study  by
            enforcing  the  law,  not  a  the  nonpartisan  Migration
            poem."                       Policy  Institute,  the  rules
            It's  another  defiant  step  in  would  likely  reduce  immi-
            President  Donald  Trump's  gration  from  Mexico  and
            long  march  to  change  Central  America,  while  in-
            the  way  the  nation  thinks  creasing  it  from  other  re-
            about  immigrants,  an  ap-  gions,  especially  Europe.
            proach  he  hopes  will  win  The  income  standards,  in
            over  enough  voters  to  particular,  could  lead  to
            earn  him  a  second  term.  reduced rates for Mexican,
            He's  added  another  layer  Central  American,  Carib-
            of  certainty  that  the  2020  bean,  African  and  Asian
            campaign  will  be  deeply  applicants.  Canadian  and
            rooted  in  a  cultural  battle  Austrian  applicants  could
            over national identity.      likely benefit, as could ap-
            But  he  faces  an  accom-   plicants  from  non-white
            panying  danger  that  his  countries like India and Ja-
            hard  line  will  further  en-  pan.
            ergize  Democrats,  alien-   The  study  also  found  the
            ate  suburban  women  and  new  rules  would  have  put
            prompt  a  swell  of  newly  most  recent  legal  perma-   Acting Director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Ken Cuccinelli, speaks dur-
            registered  Latino  voters.  nent residents at risk of de-  ing a briefing at the White House, Monday, Aug. 12, 2019, in Washington.
            Democrats     have    been  nial, with 69 percent of the                                                                        Associated Press
            quick  to  charge  that  the  past five years' green card
            enforcement pivot the ad-    recipients   displaying   at  in  towns  in  the  industrial  agingly  about  immigration  Norway.  Immigration  offi-
            ministration announced on  least  one  of  the  "negative  heartland  and  other  eco-  from  majority  black  and  cial  Cuccinelli  seemed  to
            Monday — to block many  factors"  identified  by  the  nomically depressed areas  Hispanic  countries,  includ-     limit the reach of the Statue
            legal  immigrants  who  re-  government.  The rules are  of  the  country  still  reeling  ing  calling  Mexican  immi-  of Liberty poem in an inter-
            ceive  public  benefits  from  also likely to make it harder  from job losses as the rest of  grants rapists and criminals  view with CNN on Tuesday
            being granted green cards  for  the  parents  of  U.S.  citi-  the country was experienc-  when he launched his 2016  night.  He  said  it  was  refer-
            — was rooted in sowing ra-   zens  to  join  their  children  ing an economic recovery.  campaign.  Last  year,  he  ring  to  "people  coming
            cial animus.                 in  the  country  because  And  Trump  has  continued  privately  branded  Central  from  Europe  where  they
            "This  administration  final-  they're  more  likely  to  be  to push that message.    American  and  African  na-  had  class-based  societies
            ly  admitted  what  we've  older, not working and fac-    His administration has tried  tions as "shithole" countries  where  people  were  con-
            known all along: They think  ing health challenges.       to severely limit the number  and he suggested the U.S.  sidered  wretched  if  they
            the  Statue  of  Liberty  only  "America's  always  been  of  migrants  claiming  asy-  take  in  more  immigrants  weren't in the right class."
            applies  to  white  people,"  a  path  to  success  for  mil-  lum in the U.S. and has dra-  from  European  countries  His  own  agency  seems  to
            tweeted former Texas Rep.  lions  of  people  and  now  matically reduced refugee  like  predominantly  white  like the original. q
            Beto  O'Rourke,  a  Demo-    America  wants  to  make  it  admissions  —  with  further
            cratic  presidential  candi-  so  that  it's  a  path  only  for  reductions  possible  next
            date.                        those  who  have  already  month when refugee limits
            The president and his aides  succeeded,"  said  Aaron  for next year are unveiled.
            "have  further  stained  this  Reichlin-Melnick,  a  policy  He  has  also  endorsed  leg-
            country's  tradition  as  a  analyst  at  the  American  islation that would slash le-
            beacon  of  hope  for  im-   Immigration Council.         gal immigration rates, while
            migrants,"  said  Hispanic  Trump  rose  to  the  White  at  the  same  time  pushing
            Federation  President  José  House    fanning   unease  for  a  wholesale  overhaul
            Calderón.     "Shame    on  about  an  increasingly  di-  of  the  kinds  of  immigrants
            them."                       verse  nation,  where  de-   who  should  be  permitted,
            Depending  on  how  the  mographic  and  immigra-         favoring those with certain
            new  "public  charge"  rules  tion  trends  are  projected  skills and high-wage job of-
            are  applied,  experts  say  to  make  whites  a  minority  fers  over  those  with  family
            that  changes  intended  to  in  less  than  two  decades.  ties to the U.S.
            predict whether applicants  As Trump told it, immigrants  Blunted  by  Democrats  in
            are likely to use public ben-  were  stealing  his  support-  Congress, he has turned to
            efits  could  dramatically  ers'  jobs  and  driving  down  administrative  action,  with
            alter  the  makeup  of  im-  their wages, denying work-   mixed  results  withstanding
            migrants  eligible  for  green  ing  class  whites  opportuni-  legal challenges.
            cards  or  permanent  resi-  ties for success.            In addition to the changes
            dency in the U.S. by taking  Immigrants  were  effective  he's  made  and  proposed,
            into account their incomes,  scapegoats,      especially  Trump  has  spoken  dispar-
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