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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Thursday 18 april 2019

            Trump cracks down on Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela

            Continued from Page 3                                                                  tor for the International Cri-  Odalis   Salazar   worried
                                                                                                   sis Group, a Brussels-based  about  the  future  of  remit-
            Bolton’s  pledge  to  “never,                                                          think tank.                  tances  she  receives  from
            ever abandon” the people                                                               Collin Laverty, president of  two children living abroad,
            of  Cuba,  Venezuela  and                                                              Cuba  Educational  Travel,  including one in the United
            Nicaragua in their fight for                                                           said  in  a  statement  that  States.
            freedom  also  might  ring                                                             the  measures  on  remit-    “It  hurts  everyone  and
            hollow  in  light  of  the  his-                                                       tances and travel threaten  Trump  is  absolutely  crimi-
            torical events he sought to                                                            the  economic  survival  of  nal, because he knows that
            highlight at the event host-                                                           Cuban families and the vi-   ... (the remittances) help us
            ed by the Bay of Pigs Veter-                                                           ability of thousands of inde-  a  lot,”  Salazar  said.  “We
            ans Association.                                                                       pendent  small  businesses  Cubans have families there
            Many  Cuban  Americans                                                                 allowed  to  operate  since  and we get by largely with
            to  this  day  resent  the  late                                                       2010  under  reforms  imple-  that  help  that  they  send
            President  John  F.  Kennedy   Secretary  of  State  Mike  Pompeo  speaks  during  a  news   mented  by  former  Presi-  us.” Pompeo’s decision on
            for not deploying American   conference at the State Department in Washington, Wednesday,   dent Raúl Castro.       allowing lawsuits lets Ameri-
            troops at a critical moment   April 17, 2019.                                          “The only winners here are  cans,  including  Cubans
            in the Bay of Pigs invasion.                                          Associated Press  a  handful  of  members  of  who  became  naturalized
            Meanwhile,  with  the  high  one,  to  oust  Maduro  is  an  cos  from  60  years  back   Congress  and  those  stuck  citizens,  sue  companies
            stakes  of  the  Cold  War  a  empty  threat  that  will  only  suggests U.S. policy to Latin   in  the  past  that  support  that operate out of hotels,
            fading memory, some crit-    serve  to  ignite  the  streets  America  owes  more  now   them,”  Laverty  said.  “The  tobacco  factories,  distill-
            ics  of  U.S.  policy  toward  and  geopolitical  tensions  to  a  perverse  Cold  War   losers are millions of Cubans  eries  and  other  properties
            Venezuela worry the Trump  with  Russia,  compounding  nostalgia  than  practical      on  and  off  the  island  and  nationalized   after   Fidel
            administration’s    stance  the  misery  of  Venezuelan  benefits  for  people  of  the   the  overwhelming  majority  Castro took power.
            that all options are on the  citizens.  “Honoring  one  of  region,”  said  Ivan  Briscoe,   of  Americans  that  support  Pompeo said he would not
            table,  including  a  military  U.S.’  greatest  military  fias-  the  Latin  American  direc-  engagement with Cuba.”  renew  a  bar  on  litigation
                                                                                                   Many  of  the  400  or  so  that has been in place for
                                                                                                   who  paid  $100  to  attend  two  decades,  meaning
                                                                                                   Bolton’s speech at the Bilt-  lawsuits  can  be  filed  start-
                                                                                                   more in South Florida were  ing  May  2,  when  the  cur-
                                                                                                   of  Cuban  descent.  Rafael  rent suspension expires.
                                                                                                   UsaTorres, a member of the  The  Justice  Department
                                                                                                   2506  Brigade  that  worked  has  certified  roughly  6,000
                                                                                                   for  the  CIA  at  the  time  of  claims as having merit, said
                                                                                                   the  invasion,  said  he  has  Kimberly Breier, the top U.S.
                                                                                                   faith the measures will bring  diplomat for the Americas.
                                                                                                   down Díaz-Canel’s govern-    Those claims  have an esti-
                                                                                                   ment,  though  he  wished  it  mated  value  of  $8  billion:
                                                                                                   had been done sooner.        $2 billion in property and $6
                                                                                                   “Today  is  a  big  day,”  the  billion in interest, she said.
                                                                                                   78-year-old said. “But I feel  An  additional  200,000  un-
                                                                                                   very sad — too many years  certified  claims  could  run
                                                                                                   waiting.”                    into  the  tens  of  billions  of
                                                                                                   Others  said  Washington  dollars, she said.
                                                                                                   isn’t  going  far  enough.  Breier said there would be
                                                                                                   Manuel     Menendez-Pou,  no  exceptions  to  the  poli-
                                                                                                   79,  said  the  Cuban  gov-  cy, but foreign companies
                                                                                                   ernment  had  confiscated  “will have nothing to worry
                                                                                                   some $63 million in proper-  about if they are not oper-
                                                                                                   ty from his family, once one  ating  on  properties  taken
                                                                                                   of  the  wealthiest  on  the  from Americans.”
                                                                                                   island,  mainly  in  the  sugar  Nonetheless,   companies
                                                                                                   industry.                    in  the  European  Union
                                                                                                   “The  problem  is  not  the  and Canadian companies
                                                                                                   money,”    Menendez-Pou,  stand  to  lose  tens  of  bil-
                                                                                                   also  a  former  member  of  lions  in  compensation  and
                                                                                                   the  brigade,  said  minutes  interest,  and  the  decision
                                                                                                   before  the  speech.  “They  prompted  stern  responses
                                                                                                   stole our life.”             and  vows  to  protect  busi-
                                                                                                   In  Havana,  homemaker  nesses from lawsuits.q
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